First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1060 Why Don't You Go Steal Money

Chapter 1060 Why Don't You Go Steal Money
Sweat came out of Ngawang's nervous forehead.

He raised his hand and wiped it carelessly, then grabbed the paper in his hand, and was just about to take the opportunity to go out to ask for help, when the woman who stood beside her for a long time, who dared not speak for a long time, stood up and said, "Young master, this medicine list is for my son, right?" , let me grab the medicine, the two young masters have helped me a lot, how dare you bother the young master to fetch the medicine yourself?"

Awang watched helplessly that the medicine list in his hand was taken away, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, if you go to grab the medicine, I will let you go and give it to you. The medicines in this medicine list are not ordinary medicines, and the price is not low. You take the money." Come on, it's useful."

"Thank you son." The woman was grateful.

Putong knelt on the ground and kowtowed one after another.

"Thank you young master for saving your life, young master's great kindness and virtue, the women will never forget it."

Jing Ge went back to the pharmacy again, the little apprentice saw her coming in, and immediately started to taunt her.

"Yo, didn't you say you could save that child? Why did you give up so quickly?"

Jing Ge pretended not to hear, walked in, and put the list of medicines she was looking for on the table, "I need to find all the medicines here."

The little apprentice came up and took a look. After he saw clearly what the medicines were written on the medicine list, he immediately widened his eyes and looked up at Jing Ge in disbelief: "You, are you crazy? This The medicine is poisonous, and you want so much at once, do you want to poison people?"

Jing Ge glanced at him, and said expressionlessly: "If I want to poison people to death, you will be the first to be poisoned to death."

The little apprentice met her cold eyes, trembled, took two steps back in fear, rolled his Adam's apple twice, pretended to be calm, and spoke loudly to hide his nervousness: "You, don't act recklessly, killing is illegal Yes, you will pay with your life."

Jing Ge curled her lips into a sneer, and glanced at the coward, "Are you so afraid of death now? When you were ignoring life just now, why didn't you see that you were afraid?"

The little apprentice pointed at her and said, "You, you didn't save your child. If you are also a doctor, you should know that the child's illness is difficult to cure."

"Oh, it's difficult to cure, but it doesn't mean it can't be cured. You obviously have a way to save an appointment, but you choose to ignore human lives. Are other people's lives so worthless in your eyes?"

"You're talking so loudly now, but you still can't cure that child... We are all in the same place, so don't talk about each other." The little apprentice said behind, cursing.

"Who told you that I didn't cure the child?"

"You said it was cured, but what about the person? No one has seen it, so who would believe you? Do you think saving people is as simple as talking about it? You are so naive. A person like you dares to speak out. To say that it can cure a stubborn disease that our masters are not sure of curing is simply a dream."

"Am I just dreaming, whether there is a way to cure the child, you will know tomorrow." Jing Ge just finished speaking, another apprentice just came in with a basket of high-class ginseng.

Jing Ge took two pills casually, and said with a smile to the little apprentice: "Make a bet, if I cure that child, then you will sell me the medicine at [-]% off in this clinic."

"[-]% off? Why don't you go grab the money?" We are the largest medical center in Tianlan City. How many expensive and good medicines are hidden in the pharmacy, and you actually want to buy them with [-]% off? The lion opened his mouth? "

"Although robbing money comes quickly, the money is not clean, and robbing money is illegal, and I'm not stupid, so robbing money is not as fun as cheating people's money."

(End of this chapter)

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