Chapter 1065

As he spoke, he handed out the things, and soon someone came up and took the things in his hands.

Then he walked to Jing Ge's side and opened it, revealing the delicious pastry inside.

Foodie Jing Ge sniffed the delicious smell, swallowed, couldn't hold back, reached out and took a piece, put it to his mouth and took a small bite.

The fragrant taste instantly filled the mouth.

Jing Ge couldn't wait to stuff two more pieces.

"Hmm, it's delicious, it's so delicious." Because the pastry was so delicious, Jing Ge's mind was completely taken over, and he completely forgot to think about the purpose of Gong Xu's coming here.

"Eat more if you like it." Gong Xu showed a triumphant smile where no one was looking, and said in his heart, as expected, the best way to deal with foodies is to bring her delicious food.

Foodies cannot resist the temptation of delicious food.

"I stopped by this time. Besides bringing delicious pastries to Miss Jing, I also missed my extremely gifted student. I wonder how he is recovering now? Can I go and see him?"

"He's recovering well, but the vacation has to be postponed for a few days. I have to help him recuperate." Jing Ge had a pastry stuffed in his mouth, so he spoke creakingly.

After she finished speaking, she waved to the servants standing beside her and said, "You, take the dean to see Feifei."


A bag of delicious pastries was exchanged for a legitimate opportunity to visit Meng Feifei, which was a good deal.

Gong Xu, led by his servants, came to the place where Meng Feifei lived.

Open the door, walk in, and see Meng Feifei who is still sleeping soundly.

Gong Xu turned around, told the servants to let him go down first, and closed the door, came to the bed by himself, sat on the edge, and looked at Meng Feifei who was still in a coma.

Due to physical discomfort, Meng Feifei's lips looked pale at the moment, giving off a very weak feeling.

This feeling is so fresh.

This was the first time Gong Xu saw such a weak Meng Feifei, and while feeling distressed, a perverted desire to bully him emerged in his heart.

But this feeling just appeared, and Gong Xu noticed it, and then severely suppressed it.

How could he be willing to hurt this person, obviously he cherishes him so much.

Even because he was afraid that he would hurt him, he chose to deliberately alienate him for a while, but the results of this period of time told Gong Xu clearly that it was useless.

The heart has been handed over, and if you want to get it back, it will be more difficult than going to heaven.

He stretched out his hand to describe the distinct facial features on Meng Feifei's face, from the eyebrows to the center of the eyebrows, to the tip of the nose, thin lips, and chin...

"It would be great if you could also like me." Gong Xu sighed softly and whispered.

I have such a beautiful vision in my heart, but I also know clearly that this is just a vision after all, and the chance of it being realized is so low that it makes my heart chill.

But even so, he still couldn't bear to let go.

That's probably what love is all about.

When you are not in love, you are invincible in the world. After you fall in love, just a cruel word and a ruthless look from that person will make you crumble and suffer endlessly.

If you get close, you will get hurt, if you leave, your heart will be so painful that you can't breathe.

No matter which choice he makes, it will be extremely painful for him.

Gong Xu didn't know how long he had been guarding by the bed, and he didn't know how much he had said from his heart.

When he had finished talking, the person on the bed was still asleep, and hadn't heard a word he said from the beginning to the end.

Gong Xu looked at Meng Feifei's handsome face and sighed again.

(End of this chapter)

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