Chapter 1066 Awake
"Forget it, since I have chosen to give this heart to you, it will be riddled with holes, and I will not take it back."

He finally got up, bent down, kissed Meng Feifei lightly on the forehead, sucked in his breath greedily, then glanced at it with nostalgia, turned cruelly, and left the room.

"How do you feel?" Jing Ge came over immediately after hearing Meng Feifei woke up.

Meng Feifei's lips were still very white, and he took the hot water she gave him and drank it in small sips.

After hearing her question, he let go of the bowl and looked at her weakly, "It's much better, master, how long did I faint this time?"

Jing Ge grabbed his hand, felt sure that he was really fine, then let go of his hand, saying: "You, you are so confused, no matter how much you want to become stronger, you shouldn't be eager for quick success and take advantage of yourself. I'm kidding my body."

"I'm sorry, Master, I won't do it next time. During this time, please take care of Master. I should be the one to take care of Master." Meng Feifei said for a while, his throat was itchy, and he coughed again.

"What nonsense, I am your master, of course I take care of you."

"But I am older than the master, so I should take care of the master."

"So what? Even if you are older than me, you are still my apprentice. The master takes care of the apprentice. It's not something you take for granted. Don't think too much about it. Take a good rest and take care of your body. In the future, you must not mess around." Here you go, you ruined your body, and in the end, it’s the people around you who feel distressed.”

Just as Jing Ge finished speaking, a servant came in with hot porridge.

Meng Feifei just wanted to take it and drink it himself.

Jing Ge brought it over first, scooped it up with a spoon, blew it cold, and brought it to Meng Feifei's mouth: "Drink, you must have no energy in your hands now, and it will take trouble to get the bowl."

Two blushes flew up on Meng Feifei's pale face, even his ears were red.

What Jing Ge said was right, he really didn't even have the energy to hold the bowl now.

"Master is worthy of being a miracle doctor, you can't hide this from Master." Meng Feifei opened his mouth and took the first mouthful of porridge.

Before the porridge was eaten, I already felt warm in my heart.

The master was really kind to him.

If you want to talk about what decision he has made in this life that makes him feel the most correct, it should be to ask the master to become his master.

In this life, apart from my elder brother, there is also that mysterious person, and the person who treats him best is his master.

Meng Feifei felt that his eyes were hot, and a rush of heat gushed out, and he almost wanted to cry.

He didn't want to cry in front of the master, so as not to worry the master, he blinked several times in a hurry, and blinked back the wetness that wanted to cry.

"Thank you master." Meng Feifei whispered after finishing the last mouthful of porridge.

Looking at it from Jing Ge's angle, one could just see his red ears.

Really shy kid.

Jing Ge pursed her lips and smiled, put the bowl on the wooden plate held by the servant, and got up.

Covering him with a quilt, he said, "I extended your vacation for a few days. During this time, you should rest here first, and then go back to the academy after your health recovers."

"Thank you master."

Jing Ge said, and took out a bottle of elixir from the space, stuffed it into Meng Feifei's hands, and said: "This elixir is refined for you, it can make your body stronger, take it every day One, eat before going to bed."

Meng Feifei held the bottle tightly, the veins in his hands were highlighted.

He looked at Jing Ge with a pair of bright eyes, desperately trying to rush out a sentence, but the words reached his throat, and he swallowed them forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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