Chapter 1076
Before the auction, if this precious product is damaged, my mother will beat him to death.

Lin Che closed the door, walked back, went to the bed, bent down and looked down at Jing Ge carefully, and stretched out her finger to poke her face lightly, sighing: "Sure enough, the skin is very good, it feels good to the touch. It's just different."

"It seems that you can definitely sell for a good price tonight." Lin Che sat on the side of the bed with her cheeks on her hands.

Jing Ge woke up and opened his eyes, and saw the man sitting by the bed?woman?

No, it has an Adam's apple, it's a man.

Nyonya, what is it about a man who dresses up more coquettishly than a woman?

And the pile of rouge powder on his face, right?I went, with lipstick on, and women's clothes on—

If this man didn't have Adam's apple and flat chest, she almost thought he was a woman.

"Boy, you're awake." Lin Che saw her waking up, revealing a row of neat teeth, and smiled playfully, then got up, poured a cup of tea at the table, and handed it to her: "Are you thirsty? , drink a glass of water first."

"Who are you?" Jing Ge rested her forehead with her fingers and rubbed her temples, her head was still a little groggy, she dropped her head and glanced at the furnishings in the room.

When I saw it, my eyeballs almost popped out.

Could this broken place be a brothel?

Or turn around and provide a brothel for boys!
How did she appear here?What about Baiyeling and Yanhuang?
Is it—

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she suddenly thought that before she fell into a coma, she felt dizzy for a while. Combined with her current physical reaction, she should have been drugged.

How are Baiyeling and Yanhuang now?

"Where's the person with me?" Jing Ge was so excited that he dropped his teacup and rushed over to grab the man's skirt.

Her wrist felt a sinking, and there was a bang bang bang bang sound, only then did she realize that her hands and feet were all locked by iron chains.

"My name is Lin Che. You can call me Xiao Lin or A Che. You should have noticed that this is a brothel...By the way, are there two men walking with you?"

"Yes, there are two men with me." She had guessed about the brothel in advance, so when it was confirmed, she was not surprised, but now she is eager to know the safety of Bai Yeling and Yanhuang.

It stands to reason that the strength of these two people would not be easy and dangerous, but they were still careless, and they didn't even know they were poisoned in the tea.

Especially after she claims to be a genius doctor, she can't even detect when someone is poisoning her. It's really shameful, and the face of her ancestors is about to be lost by her.

If grandpa is still alive, he will definitely die repeatedly because of what she did.

Jing Ge loosened Lin Che's skirt, and asked, "Where are those two people with me?"

"Let's go." Lin Che had a frank face, and when he smiled, he was a little cute. He looked at Geer and said, "You were sold here by them, so don't even think about those two people. Not a good thing."

Jing Ge: "..." Bai Yeling isn't that poor, is he so poor that he needs to be sold?

It seems that the two people Lin Che mentioned were not the two people she wanted to find, but the culprit who drugged them and brought her here to sell them.

Unexpectedly, she, Jing Ge, would also have this day.

She was actually drugged and bought into a brothel. If the news got out, she would lose both face and pride.

"What do the two people who sent me here look like?" Jing Ge asked.

(End of this chapter)

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