Chapter 1077 Fiance

"What does it look like? There is a scar at the corner of one eye. From here to here, it looks a bit fierce." Lin Che gestured with his hand as he spoke, and then continued: "The other person is shorter. A little below the man's ear, oh, no, aren't you with them? How come you don't even know what they look like?"

Lin Che's face was painted red and white, but her eyes were surprisingly clean.

When you open your eyes wide and look at people in doubt, it will even make people forget that this is a brothel for a moment.

"No, I was trafficked by them. They are human traffickers and drugged me."

"Oh, it's no wonder you haven't woken up. I thought you were too sleepy, so you fell asleep." Lin Che said seriously. Obviously this sounded absurd, but he seemed innocent and unbelievable. But it can make people believe that he really thought she was asleep.

There is a special magic in this man's eyes.

It is easy to sink into it, unable to extricate themselves.

This should be very popular.

Jing Ge thought for a while, then suddenly realized that he was distracted, quickly shook his heavy head, and said, "I'm not sleeping, I was really kidnapped, and besides." Jing Ge suddenly sat up, holding The shackles rattled.

"And what? What are you doing sitting up? Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Jing Ge: "..." This child looks so innocent, how did he survive in this brothel?
It was not destroyed by anyone.

Or is it different from the brothel she imagined?
"Do you really want to go to the bathroom? But it's too dangerous for you to go out like this now... Oh, I thought of a good way." After Lin Che finished speaking, she ran to the side of the cabinet, rummaged through the cabinet, and then took out a pot.

He walked up to Jing Ge with the pot and handed it out, "Here, here you are."

Jing Ge looked confused, pointed at himself and asked, "Give it to me? Why do you give it to me?"

"Let me pee, aren't you in a hurry to pee? You don't know that this thing is a chamber pot, right?" Lin Che asked curiously.

Jing Ge: "..." Damn, I didn't know it before, but I know it now, but even if I know it's a chamber pot, I don't have the tools to use it!

"What? Don't you want to pee? Or do you want to do something else? Then tell me, tell me what you want to do, and let me help you."

"I want to go out." Jing Ge said, jumped out of the bed, came to Lin Che, and said with a height half a head shorter than Lin Che: "I was sold here, I have a fiance, I I have to get out of here, or my fiancé will worry about me."

Jing Ge wanted to leave because she was too anxious, so she didn't realize that there was something wrong with what she said.

But when she revealed that she had a fiance, Lin Che's eyes turned into copper bells.

"You, you, you..." He pointed at Jing Ge, his fingers trembling when he spoke.

Jing Ge looked at him inexplicably: "What's wrong with me?"

"You are a man, how can you have a fiance?"

Jing Ge: "..." Too bad, I forgot that I was wearing men's clothes now.

He just wanted to impress the pity of the boy in front of him and let him let him go, but he accidentally lifted a rock and threw it at his foot.

"You, do you really have a fiancé?" Lin Che suddenly approached and whispered in Jing Ge's ear. Seeing that, she was quite envious of Ge'er.

Jing Ge: "..." If it was true, would this guy faint from fright?
(End of this chapter)

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