First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1078 Don't want to leave

Chapter 1078 Don't want to leave
"Really." There was a smile on the corner of Jing Ge's mouth, the guy in front of him didn't seem to be bad at all.

"No way, when can same-sex marriages be allowed here? How did you two become fiancés? Have you met your parents? Do your relatives and friends agree? Are there no objections? Does no one think you are strange?" Lin Che had a shocked face, her pair of beautiful and clear eyes were wider than a copper bell.

He looked at Ge er in disbelief.

As a girl who naturally likes men, this is the first time he has heard that men and men can become fiancés in a legitimate way, so after hearing Ge'er's answer, he was extremely shocked.

Looking at this innocent young man, Jing Ge felt a faint sense of guilt.

How could this kid be so easy to deceive and believe him so easily?

It's really unbelievable that such a pure and innocent child can be born in such a smoky place.

"Hey, what does your fiancé look like? Is he handsome? Is he tall? Is the family rich? Is that person an ordinary person or a cultivator? Is he amazing? Can you introduce me if you have a chance?"

This boy's talkativeness is somewhat similar to that boy Bai Changle.

"So rich and handsome, very strong, probably no one here knows his opponent."

"So powerful?" Lin Che revealed a pair of adoring star eyes, and said after a while: "Oh, no, if it's really that powerful, why didn't you protect you? And let you be taken away? Bring you here Those two people don't look very powerful, can he even beat those two people?"

"It's not that we can't fight, it's that there is no chance to fight at all. Those two guys gave us medicine. The medicine is colorless and tasteless. I didn't even notice it, so I accidentally got tricked." Jing Ge told the truth.

"Ah, that's it. Now that he wakes up, isn't he coming to look for you? But how does he know where you are?"

Just after Lin Che finished speaking, Jing Ge blinked at him, and glanced at him with meaning in his eyes: "You understand."

Lin Che: "...No, I don't understand, I don't want to understand at all."

Jing Ge smiled slightly, and approached Lin Che step by step. Lin Che kept retreating until there was no way to retreat. She stretched out her hands to stop her: "No, if you help me escape, Mom will beat me to death."

"Don't you want to leave here? I can help you." Jing Ge said.

"Can you help me get out of here?" Lin Che put down her hands and asked her.

"Of course, we can leave here together." Jing Ge raised his hands, shook the iron chain on his hands and said, "You help me open this chain, and we escape together."

"No—" Lin Che refused.

"What? You don't believe I can take you away?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, but that I don't want to leave here." Lin Che lowered her head, and a trace of helplessness and loneliness flashed in her exquisite and beautiful eyes.

Jing Ge looked at him in surprise, "Why?"

"Not everyone is as lucky as you. From the beginning of my ignorance, I found that I was not interested in women. Later, I realized that I like men. But people who like men are monsters and lunatics in the eyes of many people. .

My parents thought I was a lunatic and felt ashamed, so they kicked me out. The world is so big, there is nowhere for me to stay, except here, here, I am who I am, don't care about anyone's eyes, also I don't care what other people say, and no one will accuse me because of my sexual orientation.So why am I leaving here? "

(End of this chapter)

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