Chapter 1081
The two people who were pulled away were still kicking each other with their feet, with an expression of being at odds and wishing to kill one of them.

Jing Ge struggled to stand beside them, watching them fight unsteadily.

"Nonsense!" Mom took the whip and hit Qiao Zhen and Lin Che several times.

Qiao Zhen wept on purpose, pretended to look at her mother weakly, and said, "Lin Che hit me first."

Lin Che's eyes widened and she snorted, "Mom, it's obvious that he smeared my face first. He smeared my face. How can I receive guests in the future?"

Qiao Zhen retorted: "You bumped into it yourself. I didn't intend to hurt you."

Lin Che turned around and yelled at Qiao Zhen: "You want to hurt him. You clearly know that he is the most important auction item tonight, but you still dare to hurt him. Mom won't let you go."

Qiao Zhen: "He was the one who kicked me first, mom, you can see that my feet were kicked."

After Qiao Zhen finished speaking, she opened the hem of her clothes, revealing a white calf with a bruise the size of a fist.

He raised his foot, and when he looked at his mother, there were still a few tears dripping from the corner of his eyes, "Mom, look, that kid kicked it, my foot hurts."

Qiao Zhen is the number one card in the Yingchun Building, and has helped him earn a lot of money. Naturally, his mother is on his side.

If it was a normal day, she would definitely reprimand him loudly, to save Qiao Zhen, and coax him by the way.

But today is not what it used to be. The most important thing today is not Qiao Zhen, but this beautiful boy she newly bought.

This pretty boy will definitely sell for a good price tonight. With his face, it will be a breeze to replace Qiao Zhen as the number one in the future.

Mother weighed it in her heart, and weighed these people on the scale.

I think the newly bought niche is heavier.

So, first scolded Lin Che severely to give Qiao Zhen face, and then said a few words in a good voice, but did not scold Jing Ge.

Lin Che was scolded, no matter how wronged she was, she had no one to back her up, so she just lowered her head and clenched her fists.

Tears welled up in the eye sockets.

The corners of his eyes were red with grievance.

"Mom, this person was smeared just now because he saved me. His face was smeared. When he is angry, it is understandable to beat someone. He is obviously the victim. Why don't you scold him?" Curse this person?" Jing Ge thought that Qiao Zhen hurt Lin Che's face just now to save her.

After much deliberation, I decided to help this young man with stars in his eyes.

Ever since people found out about his liking for men, he has been treated coldly. The young man who has never been warmed by others raised his head when he heard Jing Ge's words. Looking in Jing Ge's direction.

Even though he can only see a vague outline now, it doesn't affect him feeling the warmth flowing through his heart.

Jing Ge took out a small white towel and handed it to Lin Che, asking him to wipe away his tears, then stood in the middle of the stage and looked at her mother timidly.

"Don't you think it's unfair for you to do this? Lin Che has stayed here for so many years, and how much money Lin Che has made for the Yingchun Building, haven't you ever noticed it?"

Lin Che came to Yingchun Building earlier than Qiao Zhen, but Qiao Zhen's methods were much better than Lin Che's, and she soon became the top card.

But Lin Che had no desires or demands, and only wanted a shelter, so she never took the initiative to fight for anything.

Because of this, even though he also has a good-looking skin, and even a pair of innocent big eyes that others don't have, he still hasn't become the top card.

(End of this chapter)

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