Chapter 1082
"Shut up, it's not your turn to interrupt here."

There was a lot of commotion downstairs, and someone wanted to rush up to find out. Mom saw that the scene was about to become chaotic, so she quickly stopped Jing Ge and asked someone to tie her up again.

A stool was placed in the middle of the stage, and she was pressed against the stool and tied up with the stool.

"It was just an accident just now, all guests, don't be nervous, the auction will start soon..."

Before my mother finished her sentence, the gate on the first floor of Yingchun Building was suddenly shattered by an external force, and the debris flew in, hitting several people.

One of them flew directly towards the middle of the stage and hit the mother's head. The woman with heavy make-up fell to the ground in an instant and fell into a coma.

The fragments that hit her head were bounced off and nearly hit Jing Ge. Seeing this, Lin Che broke away from the people restraining him, rushed towards Jing Ge, and stopped the wooden board for her.

A mighty figure appeared at the door, as if it had a special effect, a gust of wind blew up outside the door, and the wind blew up his clothes and his long hair flying around.

A tall and handsome man stepped on the broken door and walked in.

The audience was silent, and they all turned around to see the man who appeared suddenly.

Bai Yeling ignored everyone's gaze, with a straight figure, he quickly walked towards the stage, and instantly came to Ge'er. Seeing the ropes wrapped around her body, his eyes darkened.

His face was terribly cold.

He half knelt down, untied Ge'er from the shackles wrapped around her body, and held her limp body in his arms, "I'm sorry, I'm here to eat."

Jing Ge put her arms around his neck, tilted her head and glanced at the auditorium.

Wearing bright yellow luxurious clothes, Yanhuang walked in like a little prince, stepped on the ground with bare feet, without making any sound, but wherever he passed, everyone clutched their necks and wailed in pain.

The little guy walked to the edge of the stage, jumped up, and walked up to the two of them, "You're so stupid."

Jing Ge knew that he was scolding herself, but rarely said anything.

He just curled his lips into a smile and said, "You were also fainted by the medicine."

The roots of Yanhuang's ears turned red, and she snorted heavily, then turned her head and saw Lin Che beside her who was bleeding continuously on her forehead, "What should I do with this man?"

When he came in just now, he saw that this man stepped forward and blocked the wooden plank for the stupid woman, or else it would be the stupid woman who was injured now.

According to the character of a stupid woman, she must repay her kindness.

That's why he asked the stupid woman what she planned to do with it.

Lin Che huddled beside the stool, looking at the two men who suddenly appeared, trembling with fear.

"Hey, woman, can you stop shaking? We don't know how to eat people." Yanhuang saw that he was shaking so that the legs of the table were shaking, so she couldn't help but reprimanded him.

"I, I, I..." Lin Che was just an ordinary person, so when he was questioned suddenly, he was so scared that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

He wanted to say that he was not a woman—

Jing Ge patted Bai Yeling's shoulder, motioning him to put himself down.

With both feet on the ground, Jing Ge explained: "His name is Lin Che, he is not a woman, and he is a man with handles just like you."

Yanhuang: "...Ah? What? Male? Isn't this a brothel? Isn't a brothel a place for women? How could—"

The innocent Yanhuang said that he really didn't understand.

"I don't need to lie to you. There is this fainted mother here, and they are all men."

"Since they are all men, why were you abducted?" Yanhuang asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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