Chapter 1091

"What flavor do you have here?" The man glanced at the steaming stove not far away.

"There are three delicacies, there are mushrooms and lean meat, and there are vegetarian ones. You can also add various snacks. They are all on the table over there. The guest officers can add them if they like, and they can be added together when they pay the bill later."

"Master, why don't you just ask people to choose whatever they want? Aren't you afraid that some people will finish eating, so you deliberately undercount a few items?" Jing Ge heard that there are snacks that can be added, so he hurriedly looked over.

I saw that the table was a little far away from her, and not too close to the table. When the master was cooking, he couldn't see who was holding what.

The master is a sincere man.

Hearing Jing Ge's question, he smiled sincerely and said, "The people who come to my place to eat wontons are all old customers, most of them have been here many times, and some have grown up from snacks, these people will not take advantage of me. It's cheap, besides, they have patronized me for so long, even if they really want to eat more, I can give it for free."

"Master is truly a bodhisattva, you will live a long and healthy life." Jing Ge liked his character very much.

After sucking and sucking a bowl, he ordered another bowl.

When Jing Ge called for the third bowl, the new man hadn't started ordering yet, as if he didn't know how to order.

Jing Ge was half full after eating hot food, and felt much refreshed. He tilted his head and glanced at the man, and said, "If you still don't know what to eat, just eat the three delicacies like me. Right, by the way, you can eat seafood, right? You won’t be allergic, right?”

The man was a little curious, "What is an allergy?"

Jing Ge: "..." Oops, I almost forgot that people in this era don't even know about allergies.

"An allergy is when you eat something you can't eat, and your body will develop a lot of red prickly heat, which is itchy and uncomfortable, and it's red and swollen. Have you ever had it?"

The man shakes his head.

"That means there will be no allergies. The boss will also give this person a bowl of three fresh wontons. They are all big bowls. Mine doesn't add coriander."

"Okay, come right away."

Jing Ge pursed her lips and smiled.

Holding the chopsticks in his hand, he turned them over and tapped the small jar of mature vinegar on the table.

Make a crisp sound.

"Thank you, my name is Li Yichen, may I ask Miss Fang's name?" Li Yichen cupped his hands.

"Oh, you can just call me Jing Ge. Also, you don't have to thank me. Although I called you for you, I didn't intend to treat you to dinner. You will pay for it later."

Jing Ge squeezed her chin.

Although the man in front of him was handsome, he was nothing compared to Bai Yeling.

After getting used to Bai Yeling's perfect handsome face, Jing Ge is now immune to all handsome guys.

When she sees a good-looking person, she will immediately compare the good-looking person she sees with Bai Yeling, and she always comes to the conclusion: Well, this person is not bad, but not as good-looking as Bai Yeling. The person looks good, especially the eyes are really beautiful, but Bai Yeling is still good-looking, this person is a little bit like Bai Yeling, but Bai Yeling is still more beautiful...

Of course, Bai Yeling didn't know about it.

"Jing Ge, do you like wontons very much?" Li Yichen picked up the chopsticks, took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the chopsticks, and looked at her leisurely.

"Oh, I like it. I like eating wontons the most. I like to eat no matter what flavor it is."

"Really? I also like to eat. When my mother was still alive, the food she was best at cooking was wonton. Because I love to eat, every time we met, she would cook a big bowl full. , and watch me eat it up."

(End of this chapter)

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