Chapter 1092: Eat More

"You and your mother don't live together?" Although Jing Ge was focused on eating, he still listened to the man's words, but he didn't think about it, he just asked what came to his mind.

"No, my father said she is not worthy, so I can only see her once a month." Li Yichen said.

Hearing this, Jing Ge raised his head in a daze, smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was like this, I, I shouldn't have said that, I'm really sorry."

It's really not suitable for her to talk tonight, she made too many mistakes, and accidentally hit someone's pain point.

"It's okay, it's all in the past, but the wontons here are really delicious, it tastes like my mother made it."

"Since that's the case, why don't you eat more? You're also from another place, right?" Jing Ge asked suddenly.

"Well, how did you know?" Li Yichen asked.

"That's not easy. This is a time-honored brand with decades of old customers. If you are not from other places, how could you never come here to eat wontons? But your performance just now is clearly the number one. The next time, if this is the case, it must be a foreigner who came in from outside."

Jing Ge's analysis was clear and logical, and he didn't forget to stuff wontons into his mouth between speeches.

Delicious and tender, it was just too good to be true.

The two ate a whole bowl in peace and silence.

Jing Ge: "Master, have another serving."

Li Yichen: "Master, have another bowl."

At the same time, they ordered the next bowl.

Li Yichen saw several bowls stacked next to Jing's elbow.He slammed his mouth in shock and said, "Aren't you full yet? I can't see that you can eat so much at such a young age."

What Li Yichen actually wanted to say at the beginning was that you can't see that you are small and can eat so much, but before the words could be fully uttered, Jing Ge gave a menacing stare, that look seemed to say , if you dare to speak out, I will kill half of you.

So he temporarily changed what he was going to say to a different topic.

Jing Ge expressed his satisfaction, and gave him a thumbs up, saying: "If it tastes good, eat more."

"Yeah, I think it's delicious too." Li Yichen said.

"Jing Ge, where is your home?" Li Yichen ate another bowl, seeing that Ge'er's bowl was almost finished with soup, he hurriedly asked.

The woman in front of him is very interesting, and he still wants to continue communicating with her. If possible, it is not impossible to marry back and become a princess.

It just so happened that he didn't want to be married to a woman he didn't like by his father.

As long as he finds a woman he likes and is willing to marry him before his father bestows the marriage, his father will not be able to influence his marriage.

The more Li Yichen thought about it, the more he felt that Jing Ge was pleasing to the eye, and he even had an impulse to ask Jing Ge directly if he would like to be with him and go back to Jinzi Kingdom with him.

"My house is not far away." Jing Ge finished the last sip of soup, and put down the bowl contentedly, "I'm full, goodbye."

She said, getting up to pay.

But Li Yichen stopped her hand and said, "Thank you for recommending me the three fresh wontons. It tastes very delicious. In order to thank you for the wontons, let me treat you to this meal."

Jing Ge withdrew his hand, smiled slightly, and said, "Isn't this appropriate? When I was speaking, I already backed away quietly.

Acting with strength, the mouth disagrees, but the body is very honest.

"It's okay, I still have the money to treat you to eat wontons."

(End of this chapter)

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