Chapter 1093

Li Yichen originally wanted to say that he was His Highness the Crown Prince of the Jinzi Kingdom, but after thinking about it to scare her, he chose not to say it.

This matter is not in a hurry at the moment. I don’t know if we can find the woman who is destined to be the Queen of Phoenix. If I can find that woman during this period of time, the position of the princess next to him must be reserved for that woman who has never met before. .

Even if he reveals his identity now and promises to leave the position of princess to the woman in front of him in the end, he may violate his promise in the end.

It's better not to say this first, and wait until the matter is confirmed.

Tianlan City is not big, and he knows the woman's name. When the deadline for finding someone is up, if he still can't find anyone, it's not bad to marry the woman in front of him back as a princess.

Li Yichen was making perfect wishful thinking in his heart.

Jing Ge is not a roundworm in his stomach, so he doesn't know what he is thinking.

He waved his hand and bid farewell to the man.

Leave and walk towards the White Pigeon Mansion.

"Miss Jing, I didn't expect to see Miss Jing here. We are really destined."

Jing Ge was walking on the road well, when suddenly he was stopped by a man, the man looked like a man, and he didn't look like a robber.

It's just that she knows this person?

Why are you greeting her with an expression as if you know her?

"Do we know each other?" Jing Ge asked cautiously, pointing back at himself.

Hearing this, the surprise on the man's face froze instantly. He looked at Jing Ge in disbelief, and said, "Don't you remember me? We met before. When we were in the medical center, you saved a child." , the child is recovering very well now, and is now no different from other healthy children."

After Ouyang Luo's reminder, Jing Ge remembered him.

"Oh, so it's you." Jing Ge said.

"Yes, thank you for remembering me. It's been a long time since I saw you. What have you been up to lately?" Ouyang Luo often came out to press the road during this time, thinking that one day, he would run into Jing Ge on the street.

However, during this period of time, it is always impossible to meet.

It's hard to meet him today, so why not make him happy.

He's going crazy with joy now.

Adding drama to myself in my heart, I feel that I and Jing Ge must be very destined, otherwise how could we meet here?
Seeing his strange smile, Jing Ge forced an awkward smile, took two steps back slowly, and said, "Oh, yes, I still remember." After your deliberate reminder, I don't want to remember are difficult.

"Have you eaten yet? I know a roast duck restaurant tastes really good, do you want to try it?" Ouyang Luo asked.

"Oh, I'm full, next time, thank you." The more Jing Ge looked at this man, the more suspicious he became.

For no reason, why did you suddenly invite her to eat?
Could it be that there is some hidden disease in his body?
After seeing her amazing doctor, I want to see her for treatment, but because of my thin skin, I can't bear this face, so I plan to whisper it when I invite her to eat?
"Oh, is that so? Then can I ask you out for lunch tomorrow? I have something very important to tell you." Ouyang Luo said seriously.

Jing Ge glanced at him suspiciously, and was basically convinced that he really came out to look for her because of a hidden illness.

Unexpectedly, such a good-looking man also has hidden diseases.

For the sake of this little brother's good face, I promise you once.

"Okay, where do we meet tomorrow?"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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