Chapter 1113 Sworn

Of course, because both of them are princes, there are some things, even if they are unwilling or unwilling in their hearts, they can't directly tear their faces apart.

Ever since, the relationship between the two of them is more of a bastard with a smile on the surface, harmonious on the surface, but on the inside, I'm stabbing you to death.

Eunuch Zhang, who was following Zhou Jiexiu, and Eunuch Liang, who was following Li Yichen, were no strangers to each other.

Influenced by their respective masters, these two are special existences who can't wait to stab each other to death.

In places where the master can't see, they often fight with each other.

Then the next time, when the masters meet each other, they can pretend to be nonchalant, continue to laugh at each other, and then fight each other secretly.

The so-called enemies refer to them.

Enemies should be knotted but not solved.

Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen walked to the most famous restaurant nearby.

A dozen jars of spirits were called.

Like a competition, the two competed to remove the lid and poured it into their mouths.

Within a short time, several wine bottles were already lying down at the feet of the two of them.

Completely drinking the wine as plain water, if it wasn't for the fact that they were blushing at each other, others would have suspected that what they were drinking was not spirits but plain water.

Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Liang were still waiting at first.

Watch them continue to drink.

After seeing them drinking too much, they all began to persuade their masters.

As a result, the two masters directly pulled them down and ordered them to drink with them.

drink and drink.

The number of empty wine jars on the ground continued to increase.

Neither Zhou Jiexiu nor Li Yichen were willing to admit defeat, even though they were about to vomit blood after drinking, they still kept asking Xiaoer to serve wine.

The two of them opened a room, and they were dressed in expensive servants.

The waiter in the shop is not worried that they will have no money to pay, and they will get as much drink as they want.

Until the four of them couldn't drink anymore.

Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Liang started fighting.

You pinch my neck and I pull your hair.

The two wrestled together like a woman.

Rolling, rolling, rolled to the door.

Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen still had some strength.

But seeing people with both eyes is misty.

Zhou Jiexiu looked like a girl when he was a child, with red lips and white teeth and beautiful.

She is still good-looking when she grows up now, with a white face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, she looks like a girl.

Especially now that Li Yichen is drunk, and everyone looks double.

He stared at Zhou Jiexiu, looked at him, and regarded him as a beautiful woman.

For a while, it was a beautiful woman, and with a flick of the head, it turned into Zhou Jiexiu's annoying face again.

Li Yichen pointed at Zhou Jiexiu and scolded: "You bastard, why did you deliberately wear women's clothes back then? I mistook the person, I thought, I thought it was an angel descending to earth, but it turned out to be you bastard, you Pay me Goddess."

Zhou Jiexiu drank up the wine jar, and threw the empty jar at Li Yichen, but missed, fell to the side, fell to the ground, and fell to pieces.

"You bastard, you still have the nerve to talk. If you hadn't been a bastard who rushed up to kiss me suddenly, I wouldn't have been teased by the emperors for so long."

Thinking of his growing up experience of being teased, Zhou Jiexiu was furious.

Suddenly crossed the table, rushed over, stood in front of Li Yichen, grabbed Li Yichen's skirt, and said angrily: "You bastard, I have sworn since then that you must also taste the pain I have experienced these years. , now I finally have a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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