First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1114: Either You Die or I Die

Chapter 1114: Either You Die or I Die
Zhou Jiexiu burped, and the strong smell of alcohol came out.

The two drank too quickly, a lot of wine slipped from the corners of their mouths, and wet the clothes in front of them.

Zhou Jiexiu grabbed Li Yichen's lapel, his hands were drenched with wine.

Smelling the overly strong smell of alcohol, Zhou Jiexiu felt even more drunk.

Grabbing Li Yichen's collar, Li Yichen grabbed his hand again, looked at Li Yichen's face, and thought of the memory of being rushed over suddenly when he was a child, hugged him tightly, and then kissed him on the cheek.

These images kept replaying in my mind.

It cannot be interrupted at all.

The memory speed is getting faster and faster, and Zhou Jiexiu's mind is getting more and more dizzy.

next moment.


His eyes fell on Li Yichen's lips.

How long did it take for Li Yichen to drink, now not only his face is red, but even his lips are red, which looks better than a woman with rouge on.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the drunk Zhou Jiexiu, he couldn't see clearly whether it was a man or a woman.

He only knew that his head was dizzy, and suddenly, an illusion of expensive censorship appeared in his mind, and the next moment, his mouth was printed on Li Yichen's mouth.

The moment the four lips fit together.

Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Liang were still fighting, and before the coincidence, they knocked open the door.

Even more coincidentally, two people walked by the door, a man and a woman, none other than Jing Ge and Bai Yeling.

Jing Ge passed by, the door was just opened, and under conditioned reflex, he took a look inside, and by coincidence, he saw Li Yichen and Zhou Jiexiu who were kissing clearly.

Jing Ge: "..."

She remembered that she had seen Li Yichen, and she still had a little impression of that face.

It's just that I didn't expect that this person was actually a broken sleeve.


Sure enough, a person cannot be judged by his appearance.

Jing Ge stared silently for a long time, stopped in her footsteps without knowing it, Bai Yeling noticed that she stopped suddenly, and followed her in.

"Bang." Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Liang beat so hard that they tore down the door.

The door slammed on the ground with a loud bang.

It directly woke up the drunk Li Yichen and Zhou Jiexiu.

The two were awakened instantly, and then saw each other's situation with wide eyes.

Pushing each other away, they turned to look at the person at the door.

Zhou Jiexiu: "..."

Li Yichen: "..." hastily.

It was the woman he wanted to marry back home as his princess.

Jing Ge glanced at them calmly, then smiled slightly, then took Bai Yeling's arm, and floated past the door as if nothing had happened.

Li Yichen roared angrily: "Zhou Jiexiu, you bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Zhou Jiexiu also looked angry: "That's exactly what I mean, let's fight, today either you die or I die."

"Bang bang bang."

"Clang clang."

The two drew their weapons and fought into a ball.

Make a big deal.

The roofs of the rooms in the restaurant were almost torn down by them.

The waiter in the shop brought up the drinks and was almost accidentally injured.

Then after discovering the fight, he rushed down quickly, called the shopkeeper out, and informed him of the matter.

The inn wanted to prevent the customers from foolishly eating the overlord's meal, and also to avoid the guests who would fight together without saying a word like the current guests.

Specially raised a lot of thugs.

When the shopkeeper heard about this, he ran out quickly, took the thugs up to the second floor, and then ordered the thugs to stop the two men.

Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen are both masters of masters.

But only when they were still awake, now they are just two soft-legged shrimps.

(End of this chapter)

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