Chapter 1117 Rescue
He still didn't believe Zhou Jiexiu's words.

Tianlan City is so big, how could it be possible for two His Royal Highnesses to appear all at once?

This is how these two people are able to fool people.

It may be successful to fool others, but he is a famous old fox, so he is so easy to be deceived.

"If you want to fool me, it's better in the next life."

The shopkeeper licked Zhou Jiexiu's plump lips.

"Come on, untie them for me. Wash this person and send him to the bed." The shopkeeper almost drooled as he faced Zhou Jiexiu's face.

"You don't want to die, you actually want to defile His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Zhou Kingdom!" Li Yichen was still watching the fun, watching Zhou Jiexiu being bullied, he felt a perverted sense of satisfaction in his heart, until he heard the shopkeeper's outrageous words, he finally I can't sit still.

If he could move his hands now, he would cut off the shopkeeper's insulting tongue at the first moment, and chop off the hand that stained Zhou Jiexiu's face at the second moment.

It's a pity, like Zhou Jiexiu, he has been given Ruanjin powder and can't resist at all.

Could it be that they can only be manipulated by these villains?
Li Yichen felt extremely unwilling.

He regretted that he shouldn't have drunk himself carelessly outside in order to get revenge on Zhou Jiexiu, and gave the villain an opportunity to take advantage of it.

This is not the Jinzi Kingdom after all, not many people know him as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Jinzi Kingdom.

The blind shopkeeper in front of him is a good representative, but he doesn't believe that he is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Not only did they not believe him, but they also did not believe that Zhou Jiexiu was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Zhou Kingdom.

This ignorant fool.

Haven't you heard that His Royal Highness Zhou Jiexiu, the crown prince of the Zhou Kingdom, is a stunningly handsome man?With a face that is not inferior to a beautiful woman, he is often mistaken for a woman.

If it weren't for his relatively tall stature, most people would not be able to treat him as a man.

But obviously, the foolish people didn't know about it.

"You're looking for death!" Zhou Jiexiu wanted to break free, but the soft tendons were constantly colliding in his body. Not only did he not break free, but because of his luck, the soft tendons eroded his internal organs, and the pain was so painful that he almost bit his lips. .

Jing Ge and Bai Yeling are eating delicious food.

Jing Ge was halfway through eating, picked up the teapot, and found that there was no water.

When I went out, I was about to call Xiao Er to add water.

But I found something unusual happened in the room I just passed by.

There are two thugs guarding the door. Judging by the clothes, they are the people from this restaurant.

The two people there are extraordinary people——

The scene just now flashed in Jing Ge's mind, and he lifted his footsteps and walked towards that direction.

"Stop, what do you want to do?"

"I'm here to find someone. I know the two people inside. I'm afraid they won't be able to go home if they're drunk. I'm here to make sure they're safe." Jing Ge said.

The two big hands looked at each other.

Then one of them said, "The person you are looking for has already left. Didn't you see it on the way here?"

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes slightly.

The two of them were so drunk that they looked like shrimps with soft legs. It was absolutely impossible for them to leave so soon.

Standing here are people from the restaurant.

Clearly, those two were in trouble.

"Really? Who's in there?" Jing Ge opened his innocent eyes, causing the two thugs to relax their vigilance.
Then he quickly sprinkled some medicinal powder that could cause unconsciousness on the two of them.

Hold your breath.

Wait for the moment when the two fall down.

Moving forward quickly, he raised his foot and kicked the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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