First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1118 Why Trespass

Chapter 1118 Why Trespass

Jing Ge's unexpected intrusion caused everyone in the room to turn their attention to the door.

There were two strong men lying in her footsteps.

She is only 16 years old, and she is still not tall, but she is also very outstanding.

Dressed in white, clean and beautiful.

The shopkeeper saw her, and immediately turned his attention away from Zhou Jiexiu.

"There is such a beautiful woman in the world, she looks really good-looking."

Jing Ge completely ignored the shopkeeper's salivating gaze, walked in, swept past Zhou Jiexiu's face, and finally landed on Li Yichen.

Both were acting out of the ordinary.

Even if they haven't gotten close, Jing Ge can guess that these two people must have been drugged by this old thing, otherwise with their skills, it is impossible for them to fall into such a distressed posture.

The shopkeeper then saw the two strong men lying behind Jing Ge, immediately put away his salivating eyes, looked at Jing Ge warily, and asked, "Who are you? Why did you trespass?"

Still ignoring the shopkeeper, Jing Ge walked up to Li Yichen, touched Li Yichen's wrist, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Li Yichen was a little annoyed.

Her most embarrassing posture was actually seen by her. How can I establish my image in front of her in the future so that she can like me?

It has to be said that he still has a big heart, even now, he still has the mind to think about some things to survive here.

Jing Ge didn't pay attention to his eyebrows, nor could he see what he was thinking.

She finally shifted her attention to the shopkeeper, her eyes were like cold knives to the old immortal in front of her.

"You are the shopkeeper of this restaurant, right? I don't know what my two friends have done to offend the shopkeeper, so that the shopkeeper will deal with them next time? Not only did they tie people up tightly, but they even drugged them.

I said shopkeeper, isn't it too unkind for you to behave like this? "

Jing Ge hooked the corners of her lips ironically, and a cold light flashed in her eyes. The next moment, before everyone had time to react, she had a dagger in her hand, and her footsteps slid strangely. , put the blade of the knife against the shopkeeper's neck.

"Don't move around, my knife doesn't have eyes. If the shopkeeper moves around by himself and puts his neck on the knife, it doesn't matter to me if he dies." Jing Ge deliberately pulled a tone behind him, smiling Rou looked at the showcase without smiling.

Watching him suffocate his face from white to purple and then to black.

"Release my friend."

"Your friend smashed my place. If I don't pay the money, I can't let him go." The shopkeeper took a look at Jing Ge, thinking that she was just scaring him, and he definitely didn't dare to kill him in his own territory.

All realized without fear.

Jing Ge pursed her lips and sneered.

He knows the abacus in the shopkeeper's heart like the back of his hand.

Grinning revealed a row of white teeth, with a slight movement of the wrist, the tip of the knife was cut halfway.

The shopkeeper screamed in pain, and the next moment, the smell of blood floated in the air. Although the shopkeeper couldn't see his neck, he could clearly feel hot liquid flowing down from his neck.

He looked at Jing Ge in horror.

Seeing her indifferent eyes, at this moment, he deeply realized that this woman is not a normal person at all, she will really do what she says and kill him.

The strong desire to survive made the old fellow panic and start ordering people to do what Jing Ge said, and soon released Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen.

Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen were free.

(End of this chapter)

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