Chapter 1119

Jing Ge still did not let go of the shopkeeper, and still held him as a hostage.

Don't give him a chance to stop the bleeding.

She took out a bottle of pills from her bosom, threw it to Li Yichen, and said, "There are two detoxification pills in it, each of you take one."

Hearing this, the shopkeeper trembled in fear, "You, you can't..."

Jing Ge turned her head and looked at him, "Oh, what can I do? What else do you want to order me to do?" No one in this world who can order her to do things has yet to be born.


Just as the shopkeeper was about to speak, Jing Ge indifferently let go of the dagger, grabbed the shopkeeper's shoulders, turned around and walked behind the shopkeeper, and pushed the shopkeeper to the side of Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen.

"The detoxification elixir will be effective after taking it. I'm here to help you. You can decide for yourself what to do with the rest."

She dropped this sentence, took out her handkerchief, wiped off the blood on the dagger, put it away, and walked away swaggeringly.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Bai Yeling who had been waiting outside.

The indifference and coldness on his body disappeared in an instant, and the cold light in his eyes also disappeared, replaced by a warm smile.

She flew into Bai Yeling's arms like a cheerful bird, pulled his arm, and said: "I don't want to eat here, let's change to another one."

Even if she didn't say anything, Bai Yeling could still guess what happened just now.

The wings of his nose moved, and although he still smelled a faint smell of blood, it was not from her body. After confirming that she was not injured, Bai Yeling put his arms around her waist, nodded and said, "Okay, I will accompany you wherever you want to go." where to."

The two walked past the door intimately.

It happened to be bumped into by Li Yichen.

Li Yichen saw her, and also saw her smiling softly and sweetly when looking at that man.

Lost in my heart.

It feels like all the strength in the body has been drained.

Zhou Jiexiu glanced at Li Yichen. Under his feet was the shopkeeper who had been knocked out, and there were several thugs with weapons around him, but they didn't dare to step forward because they were afraid.

Zhou Jiexiu followed Li Yichen's gaze and saw everything he saw.

He sneered and teased, "The toad still wants to eat swan meat? Don't urinate to see how shabby I am."

Li Yichen turned his head angrily, and glared at him, "Zhou Jiexiu, don't be shameless, my highness is in a bad mood right now, and I don't want to quarrel with you, so don't make fun of yourself."

"Hehe, do you think I think so? If my Highness hadn't met you today, I wouldn't have encountered all of this. After all, you are the nemesis in my Highness's life. I beg you to stay away from this Highness in the future." Stay away, don't come within five meters of His Highness,

My Highness never wants to experience such unbearable memories with you again. "Zhou Jiexiu said with incomparable disgust.

"My Highness also has this intention. You should not approach my Highness in the end. It is best not to say hello to my Highness in the future. I don't want to see you again for a moment."

"You'd better be able to do what you say. My Highness wishes to stay away from you, the God of Plague, as soon as possible."

Both of them are His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and their status and status are equal, and no one will give way to the other when they quarrel.

The thugs in the room, listening to their scolding, all showed panicked eyes.

It turned out that they were really His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.


These people have a look on their faces that I'm dying.

Quite wonderful.

In the end, Jing Ge didn't know how the two of them dealt with this matter. She only knew that when she passed by here again, the inn here had been razed to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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