Chapter 1120

It can be seen that the person concerned is really angry.

Directly eliminate the place that left him with bad memories.

The shopkeeper and those thugs must have ended badly.

These bullying guys deserve their death.

Jing Ge didn't care too much about this matter, but just passed by by chance, and when he heard passers-by guessing that the restaurant was suddenly razed to the ground overnight, and the shopkeeper and some thugs disappeared strangely, the corners of his lips curled up .

Did not answer.

Sooner or later I have to pay it back.

If you dare to offend others, you must be prepared to be killed by others.

Either be strong enough not to be afraid of anyone, or be a good person with your tail between your legs for the rest of your life.

Otherwise, don't even think about Ansheng for a lifetime.

During this period of time, Jing Ge would go to Tianlan Academy almost every now and then, not to find Meng Feifei, but to find some silver-haired master.

This master is also a legendary figure, and his divination ability is very strong. Every time Jing Ge approaches him no matter how carefully, he will find him before he gets close.

The most often heard sentence from him is: Are you here?

Later, after Jing Ge visited more times, this sentence became: Why are you here again?
Jing Ge: "..."

This person is not only powerful and mysterious, but his mouth is also surprisingly strict. No matter how Jing Ge insinuates, no matter how much he tries to dig out some memories of her dream about her previous life from him, he will always keep his mouth shut and always talk about innocuous topics. , refused to tell her what she wanted to know.

Of course.

Jing Ge still couldn't get tired of it.

I will go there every three to five times.

In addition to wanting to know some things that I am very curious about from this master, there is another very important reason that she likes the feeling of being with the master very much. It is hard to say what is good, even if the whole person will be very relaxed , very pleasant.

She enjoys this comfortable feeling.

Knowing her whereabouts, Bai Yeling could pretend to be magnanimous at first, and resisted speaking.

But as the number of times began to increase, Jing Ge not only did not restrain himself, but after the number of times became more and more frequent, a certain jealousy finally broke out.

A dark and windy night.

Bai Yeling calculated that tomorrow would be the day when Jing Ge went to find his master, so that night, he took a bottle of mulberry fruit wine, got Jing Ge drunk, and acted fiercely all night.

The next day, Jing Ge didn't have the energy to get up and slept on the bed for almost two days before feeling alive again.

She opened her eyes and stared at the man who was rubbing her waist. When she was very angry, she would kick him a few times.

Bai Yeling smiled and endured one by one.

Holding her small ankle, his eyes are full of affection.

"I'm a human being, so of course I'd be jealous."

"Can't you have a little confidence in me? Am I so easy to empathize? I have my reasons for going to him. Although it's very happy to stay with him, I can't just because of this I don't like you, but I like him instead, if I can fall in love with someone so easily, then it's not your turn to play."

She was telling the truth.

If she could really fall in love with someone easily, in the last life, in the last life, the body changed three times, in such a long time, the person she likes can circle the earth.

Bai Yeling saw that she was really furious.

After pinching her head a few times, he began to apologize sincerely.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." But maybe next time.

Jing Ge snorted in his face...

(End of this chapter)

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