First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1127 Geer is Mine

Chapter 1127 Geer is Mine

With a gloomy expression, Bai Yeling came behind Jing Ge, hugged Jing Ge's waist domineeringly, and strongly declared his ownership.

With gloomy eyes, he glanced at Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen.

He said coldly, "Who are you two?"

When Jing Ge felt that person's breath approaching, her body stiffened suddenly, and when Bai Yeling put his hand on her waist, her body became even more stiff.

This action was originally worried about his misunderstanding, but in Bai Yeling's eyes, it became a sign of her guilty conscience.

Jing Ge met Bai Yeling's eyes, but dodged them.

Involuntarily recalling that not long ago, the two had a conflict.

"This is His Royal Highness Zhou Jiexiu from the Zhou Kingdom, and this is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Li Yichen from the Jinzi Kingdom. Do you still remember when we went to a restaurant for dinner and a date not long ago? At that time, I saved these two, and they came here today to repay their kindness."

Looking at Bai Yeling, Jing Ge's expression didn't improve at all, but when he heard that they deliberately came to repay their favor, his expression was terribly stinky.

He quickly grabbed his arm, then looked at Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen with a bright smile, and said, "Hello, I am my partner, and we have been together for a long time."

So if you have to go, go now.

Jing Ge did not add the last sentence.

However, even if Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen knew what she said next, they would not give up easily.

It indicates that a woman who can win the world, who would give up so easily.

Bai Yeling took a look at the two of them.

He hummed in his heart, what the little goblin said was right, although he looked like a human, but compared with their monsters, he was still far behind.

"Not as good looking as me." Bai Yeling said suddenly.

Jing Ge groaned, didn't hear clearly, turned to look at him, blinked her big innocent eyes and asked what he said just now.

Bai Yeling smiled, stretched out his hand to pinch her soft face, and said affectionately in front of the two rivals in love: "It's nothing, you don't need to worry too much."

"Really?" Jing Ge blinked her eyes, always feeling that she missed some important information just now.

Although she didn't pay attention to what Bai Yeling said, Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen both heard it, and they looked at Bai Yeling with half-smiles, wishing they could poke two holes in this man.

He actually said that they were not as good-looking as him...

Well, although it's true that he's not as good-looking as him, you can't say it so bluntly in front of them.

Especially Zhou Jiexiu, who has always been known for his beauty, although he didn't like people talking about his appearance in the past, saying how good-looking he is, but at this moment, after being compared face-to-face by Bai Yeling.

He still felt humiliated.

Feeling very upset.

"Your thanks, I'll accept it for Ge'er. Ge'er and I will have a date later, so if you have nothing to do, go away quickly." Bai Yeling glanced down at the empty hands of the two of them.

You didn't bring anything, so what did you say to come to thank you?

From this look, he knew that he wanted to abduct his Ge'er.

"You..." Zhou Jiexiu wanted to refute a few words, but Li Yichen next to him suddenly saw the interspatial ring on Bai Yeling's finger, shock flashed in his eyes, and then he grabbed Zhou Jiexiu's arm.

Pulling the person back, he said to Bai Yeling apologetically, "I'm really sorry to bother you, then see you next time."

"Don't see each other again next time, never again in the future, Ge'er is mine, no one can take Ge'er away from me."

(End of this chapter)

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