Chapter 1128
Bai Yeling's aura was fully opened.

With an evil smile on his lips, he looked at Zhou Jiexiu and Li Yichen with a half-smile.

With the other hand still around Jing Ge's waist, he looked at the two men provocatively.

Even if these two brats go up together, they are not his opponents.

He wasn't afraid of these two boys at all.

Zhou Jiexiu was immediately irritated by Bai Yeling, he looked at Bai Yeling angrily, and wanted to make a move.

Fortunately, even though Li Yichen held him back, after saying goodbye to Jing Ge, he quickly pulled Zhou Jiexiu out of Baige Mansion.

Li Yichen let go of Zhou Jiexiu's arm only after the two had walked away.

The anger on Zhou Jiexiu's face remained undiminished, and he looked at the other party angrily.

"Why did you take me away just now? That is the person we are looking for. What is that man? Even if he appeared next to Fengming girl first, that Fengming girl does not belong to him."

"What are you still yelling about? Do you know who that person was just now?" Li Yichen patted his forehead speechlessly as if he couldn't stand him, and said, "Where did your previous acuity go? You didn't even notice it. Did you see the black ring on that man's finger?
That is the token of the Demon Lord, that person is the Supreme Demon Realm, you don't want to die, want to grab a woman from the Demon Realm Supreme? "

When Li Yichen said this, his face was full of annoyance.

Before he knew that Bai Yeling was the Supreme Being of the Demon Realm, he was not reconciled.

But after confirming that that person was the Supreme Being of the Demon Realm, he had no choice but to give up.

In this Kyushu, who can snatch his woman away from the Demon Realm Supreme?

What's more, he is not blind. From the way of getting along with Jing Ge and Bai Yeling just now, there is a very deep relationship between these two people. Jing Ge is not a weak woman herself. Who can force her to do things she doesn't want to do? she?
"So you gave up so willingly? You bastard!" Zhou Jiexiu was still very angry when he thought of what happened just now.
He wished he could rush back and fight Bai Yeling for [-] rounds.

"What if you don't give up? Do you really think that you can snatch Jing Ge away from the Supreme Demon Realm? There is only one country behind us, but behind that person is the king of the Demon Realm who can compete with the human world. Even if you don't For your own sake, you should also think about your countrymen, right?

If you don't care about it and let your own personal feelings go to war with the Demon Realm Supreme, who will suffer in the end?Your people will be killed by you sooner or later, do you want Zhou Guo to disappear from Kyushu?

I don't want to put my own country on it because of my greed. "Li Yichen walked to the grass, threw himself off the ground, propped the back of his head with his hands, and looked at the white clouds in the sky.

There is also a grass in the mouth.

"Then what? Do you just give up like this? Are you really willing?" Zhou Jiexiu didn't know what he thought of, but he still felt a little unwilling.

Even if he knew that what Li Yichen said now was correct.

"What else can we do? Just eat and wait to die. I think that in a short time, other forces will make some moves. At that time, they will definitely rob people. Let's play it safe and watch the show nearby.

When necessary, come forward to help them. If you can't get the Queen Feng, then stand by her side. Even if they become a great cause through the ages, they won't wrong us. Maybe we can survive safely. "Li Yichen said his long-term plan.

Zhou Jiexiu was a little disdainful about this, snorted, and said, "You bastard."

(End of this chapter)

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