Chapter 1140 Yawning

Seeing Jing Di crying in Yanhuang's arms, Yanhuang still had a bad face.

Langming mistakenly thought that it was Yanhuang who bullied Jingdi and cried out, and was furious for a moment.

Immediately accelerated, flew over, knocked Yanhuang to the ground, then carefully hugged his younger brother Jing Di, with furry paws, wiped away the tears on Jing Di's face, and said in a distressed tone: "My brother does not cry. "

Seeing that it was her older brother Lang Ming who came, Jing Di cried even more sadly, rushed over and hugged Lang Ming tightly, choked up and said, "Sister, sister doesn't want me anymore."

Lang Ming rubbed Jing Di's head, and gently squeezed Jing Di's ears.

Usually when he was upset, Jing Ge would treat him like this. He felt super comfortable when his ears were pinched, so when comforting others, he would also subconsciously want to pinch the other person's ears.

After being comforted, Jing Di felt even more wronged.

Looking at his brother Langming sobbing, he hugged his arm and pulled him towards the gate. While pulling his brother's arm, he pointed to the door and said, "Sister, catch up with sister."

Langming was showing his affection in embarrassment, Yanhuang got up from the ground.

Seeing that the little wolf cub who had just reached his chest hit him, he was furious.

He walked over angrily, grabbed Lang Ming by the collar, and said fiercely: "Stinky boy, what do you want?"

Lang Ming bared, with a fierce look on his face: "Don't bully younger brother."

"Who said I bullied him? That stupid woman told me to take good care of him, otherwise I wouldn't talk to this brat who would cry. Do you think I'm as busy as you? I'm very busy. "

"Are you busy?" Lang Ming snorted.

Yanhuang clicked her tongue, and heard Langming's ironic tone, she was in an extremely bad mood, "Stinky boy, don't toast or eat fine wine, my uncle is the ancient mythical beast Fire Phoenix, if you offend me, Be careful that my uncle will burn you to death with Chizhen flames."

When Yanhuang was threatening people, she deliberately ignited a ball of flames in her palm to scare people.

However, Lang Ming was frightened at all, and was not afraid of him at all.

When he saw the flames in his palm, all the sharp wolf teeth were exposed, as if Yanhuang dared to rush to bite someone if he dared to lose the fire.

The moment Yanhuang saw Langming's sharp fangs, her heart trembled inexplicably.

But he didn't want to admit that he was just surprised by the boy's sudden burst of aura. It was absolutely impossible for him to admit such a shameful fact.

Yanhuang put away the flame in her hand, folded her arms, looked down at her, and said: "Stinky boy, you have learned to scare people before your hair grows. Do you know who I am? I am the ancient god beast Huo Phoenix. Do you know what the fire phoenix represents? It represents the supreme power. As for you brat with thin arms and legs, my uncle can crush you to death with every finger. How dare you threaten and intimidate me? ?”

Yanhuang sneered, as if she was facing a huge joke.

Lang Ming protected the younger brother behind him, and refused to back down half a step, just so stubborn!
Yanhuang and Langming confronted each other for a long time.

Until both of them were so tired that they rubbed their eyes and yawned, they still refused to soften up and take a step back.

Jing Di was still clamoring to find her sister at the beginning, but when she saw them staring at each other, she thought it was funny, and immediately forgot that she wanted to find her sister, and stared at them for a long time.

After a long time, until Jing Di started to yawn frequently, the two people suddenly came back to their senses.

(End of this chapter)

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