First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1141 Shaved all the hair

Chapter 1141 Shaved all the hair

Attention fell back to Jing Di.

Yanhuang thought of Jing Ge's entrustment to her, to take good care of this brat, since she promised, she must do it.

Thinking of this, Yanhuang saw that Jing Di was sleepy, and walked over, intending to hug Jing Di.

However, just as he walked over, before his hand touched Jing Di's arm, the other hand was faster than him, and quickly hugged Jing Di, avoiding his outstretched hand.

Yanhuang grasped the air, raised her head and stared at Langming in disbelief, and said angrily: "What do you want to do? This brat is sleepy, I want to take him back to sleep."

Lang Ming remained unmoved, still tightly protecting his younger brother behind him.

"You'll make him cry."

"When did my uncle scare him into tears?" Yanhuang looked at the other party not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"He was crying just now. You weren't scared. How could he cry so sadly?" Lang Ming thought of Yanhuang's fierce face just now, and felt more and more that the reason why Jing Di was crying so sad was because this person was too sad. fierce.

"This kid is crying because the stupid woman didn't take him when she went out. What does it have to do with me? I still feel aggrieved... He actually took that brat who loves crying dragon out."

At the end, Yanhuang forced her in a low voice.

Although he spoke in a low voice, Lang Ming still heard it.

"Ge'er took Qinglong out? Did he take him alone?" Lang Ming's tone was sour.

Yanhuang thought about what happened just now, and thought that she was so bored fighting against a kid, lost all energy in an instant, drooped her arms weakly and said: "Yeah, I took him out alone, that guy was so happy Ascension."

Lang Ming bit his lower lip, puffing up.

She only brought Qinglong and didn't bring Langming. Does Geer not like Langming anymore?
Did Geer like the little dragon man more than the little wolf boy?

Lang Ming couldn't help but compare the differences between the little werewolf and the little dragon in his mind.

The little dragon has no hair, but he has a lot of hair. Could it be that Ge'er prefers hairless things?
Lang Ming began to recall the recent events, and was shocked to find that since the beginning of summer, Ge'er seldom held his prototype and stroked his fur.

Sure enough, Ge'er prefers hairless things?

Langming was jealous.

He scratched the fur on his head.Thinking about how to make Ge'er fall in love with her again.

Suddenly, with a strong force, he grabbed a hair of his own.

Lang Ming looked at the yellow hair on the palm of his hand, and suddenly thought of something.

He took a step forward, grabbed Yanhuang's clothes, and said excitedly: "You, you help me burn off the hair on my head."

When Lang Ming spoke, he had already turned back into a human form. When he was in human form, he only needed to shave off the hair on his head, and the hair on his body would be shaved off.

When it changed back to its original shape, it was a naked little werewolf.

Lang Ming had never seen a wolf without fur, and he had never shaved off all his fur, so he had no idea how ugly a wolf would be without fur.

He hurriedly carried Jing Di, who was about to fall asleep, back to the room, and began to anxiously wait for Jing Ge's return.

After waiting for a long time, finally Jing Ge came back.

Lang Ming rushed out and threw himself into Jing Ge's arms.

Jing Ge subconsciously opened her hands and hugged the little guy in her arms.

In the next moment, Jing Ge was shocked by what happened in front of her eyes.

This bare, hairless little thing—what is it?
"Ge'er, I shaved off my hair, will you like me?" Lang Ming looked at Jing Ge expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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