First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1142 As naked as an egg

Chapter 1142 As naked as an egg

Jing Ge smacked his mouth and didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Why did you shave the hair off?" Jing Ge stroked the little guy's bald head, not a hair left.

Lang Ming didn't see the profound meaning in Jing Ge's eyes, and he was still excitedly bluffing: "Ge'er likes it, so I shaved off my hair. I'm hairless now. Can Geer take me next time?" Going out?"

When the little guy was talking, he looked at Jing Ge expectantly.

Jing Ge's heart skipped a beat, she roughly knew what was going on.

I didn't expect the little guy to know how to be jealous at such a young age.

She thought that it was Qinglong who she brought out today, and then looked at the wolf cub who was naked now. As soon as the two contacted, she immediately thought of the reason.

It's probably because Lang Ming saw her go out with Qinglong alone, and mistakenly thought that she prefers hairless species, so in order to win favor, he shaved off all the fur on his body.

I don't know who shaved the hair.

The eyes are as naked as an egg.

Seeing the expectant eyes of the little wolf cub, Jing Ge couldn't tell the truth, touched the little guy's head, and said with a smile: "It looks good, but the wolf cub's fur is very comfortable, so don't cut it next time. , you know? I like you to squeeze your fur."

Lang Ming arched his head in her embrace, smiling brightly, "Yeah, Ge'er likes it, so I won't cut it."

Jing Ge laughed along with him, and rubbed his head, "Have you had dinner yet?"

Langming shook his head and said, "No, wait for Geer to come back."

"Where's Jing Di? Are you still sleeping?"

"My brother is still sleeping, but he has been asleep for a long time, and he should probably wake up at this time."

"elder sister."

As soon as Lang Ming finished speaking, Jing Di flew over from a distance like a small rocket launcher, threw herself into Jing Ge's arms, and called her sister excitedly.

Jing Ge squatted down, hugged a little guy with one arm, and said, "Are you hungry? My sister will take you to dinner."

"Gululu." Jing Di blushed shyly, covering her belly with a pair of chubby paws, and said shyly, "I'm hungry."

Jing Ge shook his head with a smile, rubbed his head, took a little baby by the hand, and walked towards the hall.

"It's basically confirmed that the Empress Feng woman is Jing Ge from Baige's mansion, but the man who follows her is not easy to deal with." A man in black knelt in front of the luxuriously dressed man and said.

"Can't all of you deal with a mere man?" the man said disdainfully.

"Master, that person's strength should not be underestimated. The younger one took the opportunity to compete with that person two days ago, but that person didn't use any strength at all, and the younger one was already sent flying."

"Really so powerful? Then what is his background?"

"This little thing has been investigated for a long time but has not been found out, but the only thing that is certain is that he is not an ordinary person, so we must not act rashly."

"Since you can't bring this young master out while that person is here, then find a way to lure them away. As long as we separate and let that woman be alone, my young master will naturally have a way to make her mine."

"Young master is wise, I'll arrange it now."

"Master, in my opinion, it's better to just raw rice and cook rice, and turn that woman into the master's person, so she has to go with the master." A man with a beard stood beside him, leaning over to the man In the ear, muttering.

(End of this chapter)

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