Chapter 1159 Stalker 1
For the past few days, Hao Xingyue always felt that someone was spying on her.

No matter where she went, she always felt that there was a line of sight following her behind her, but every time she turned around to look back, she couldn't find anything, as if everything was just her illusion.

At first, Hao Xingyue thought it might be because she was too tired recently and her mind was too tense, so she didn't take it too seriously.

But as the number of times this feeling appeared increased, she no longer felt it was an illusion.

Someone must be spying on me, but I don't know who it is.

She came to Tianlan City with Jing Ge, and usually went out to purchase some fabrics and needlework, and occasionally accompanied Jing Di and Lang Ming to go shopping and play in interesting places for half a day.

Very little contact with the people here.

It is even more impossible to offend anyone.

And all her sinners should have been buried in that fire.

Hao Xingyue didn't have any clue.

He could only let that person continue to follow her, follow her, and follow her.

However, people like to have their own privacy. After indulgence for a while, Hao Xingyue finally felt annoyed and decided to find out the guy who was following her with her own hands.

For this reason, Hao Xingyue found Jing Ge.

"Do you have any medicine that can make people slow down, and if it is colorless and odorless, or a medicine that makes people faint, as long as it is not easy to be noticed by others, it is fine. It is best to faint when touched by limbs Kind of."

Hao Xingyue entered Jing Ge's room and asked eagerly.

Jing Ge just got back from dealing with the brawny man, and hasn't had time to take a shower yet.

Naturally, there was a smell of blood on his body.

Although on the way back, she found the river and washed all the blood off her hands.

And changed the blood-stained clothes.

But after all, there was still a smell of blood, and Hao Xingyue could smell it as soon as he got close to her.

"What's wrong with you? Why does it smell like blood? Have you been attacked?" Hao Xingyue grabbed Jing Ge's shoulder nervously, completely forgetting what she wanted, and eagerly checked Jing Ge's body to see Was she hurt?

Jing Ge broke away from her hand, pushed it away a little, and said: "I'm fine, don't be nervous, I just taught a few apprentices a lesson, and the strike was a little bit harsh, and some blood was drawn."

Hao Xingyue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she was not missing an arm or a leg, and that there seemed to be no major problem.

"That's good, as long as it's okay, next time you don't want to go out alone, it's too dangerous. Recently, our Baige mansion has been so uneven that I dare not take those two children out to play."

As Hao Xingyue said, she talked about her recent troubles.

Jing Ge frowned upon hearing this.

Could it be that those people are not only trying to get her attention, but also trying to attack Xingyue?


If you dare to attack the people around her, don't blame her for being rude.

Jing Ge gritted his teeth.

Hao Xingyue: "I seldom go out, so you don't have to worry about me, but you've been going out more often recently, so you have to be careful about everything and press one-on-one. Everyone is fine, I can rest assured if I am by your side."

"Didn't you just say you want medicine? I have it here, and if it comes into contact with the skin, you will be poisoned and faint." Jing Ge took out a bottle of medicine powder from her bosom and handed it to Hao Xingyue.

"Thank you." Hao Xingyue took it and said thank you sincerely.

Jing Ge nodded, and said, "Next time if someone follows you, you can paint this thing on the places you pass by."

(End of this chapter)

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