Chapter 1160 Stalker 2
"Paint it on the place you pass by?"

"Yes, this thing does not need to be inhaled through the mouth and nose. As long as you apply the powder on the surface of the object, when the person accidentally touches it, you will be stunned by the medicine. But when you use it, you have to be careful, don't I came across it myself."

Jing Ge thought about it, but still felt uneasy.

So he took out another bottle of medicine powder and stuffed it into Hao Xingyue's hands.

"This green bottle is the antidote. If you accidentally touch the powder of the poison, you should take an antidote immediately and you will be fine."

"Okay." Hao Xingyue took both bottles and stuffed them into her pockets.

"If you are pregnant and need my help, you must remember to speak up and pay attention to your own safety." Jing Ge took Hao Xingyue's hand, patted the back of her hand lightly, and said, "Recently, I will hand over all the family matters to you." I've dealt with it for you, if you're tired, find someone to share it with you, and we can leave here after everything has been dealt with."

Hao Xingyue smiled slightly and said: "I'm fine, I can share your worries. I'm too happy to be happy. If I hadn't met you back then, I might still be in trouble now. You rescued me from the abyss, my The rest of my life is for you."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Jing Ge said: "I regard you as a sister, so don't say such foreign words in the future."

"it is good."

Hao Xinyue got what she wanted from Jing Singer, and immediately went back to her residence.

The next day, as usual, she went out with a basin of clothes.

Although the mansion hired a lot of maids, she was still used to washing her and Jing Ge's clothes, as well as a few children's clothes.

Inside the wooden basin he was carrying was filled with colorful clothes.

Hao Xingyue walked towards the laundry place, her pace was unhurried, without any change in peacetime.

It's just that the expression is still a little more vigilant than usual.

It wasn't until the stalking sight appeared behind her as usual that Hao Xingyue curled her lips indistinctly and smiled triumphantly.

Good guy, I finally waited for you here, let's see how my aunt will deal with you later.

She weighed the wooden basin, took out the medicine bottle in her hand, thought for a while, pretended to accidentally twist her foot, put down the wooden basin in annoyance, and limped to the base of the nearby tree.

When holding onto the tree trunk with his hands, he quietly touched the powder, and then did the same, coating the colorless and odorless powder on all the places where he could hide here.

After finishing, she rubbed her ankles, pretended to be limping, walked to the tub, took her clothes, and continued walking to the river.

This small river was not very far from Baige Mansion, but she wanted to pretend that she sprained her foot, so she walked slowly.

I calculated the time and distance in my mind, and when I felt that it was about the same, I suddenly turned my head and looked back for that line of sight.

Pretending to be looking for it everywhere.

I searched for a while, but couldn't find it.

He looked under the tree just now with some doubts.

According to her calculations, where the peeping person should have been, when she turned her head, that person would most likely hide in a hurry and accidentally touch the medicine she applied on it.

But why is there no movement?
Could it be that he escaped by luck and didn't encounter it?
Hao Xingyue hesitated for a while, but decided to go over and have a look.

She is very confident in the medicine Jing Ge gave, and if she encounters that stalker in a while, she will sprinkle all the remaining medicine on it.

Let's see where he can go this time.

Hao Xingyue walked over quickly, but before she got close, she suddenly heard a bang.

A figure fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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