Chapter 1161
Hao Xinyue quickened her pace, and when she arrived, she saw a fallen figure on the ground.

Wearing crescent white clothes on the man, it outlines his good figure, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and a bulging chest. You can tell the figure under the clothes at a glance, so good that it makes people nosebleed.

Of course, Hao Xingyue has been used to the combination of male and female beauty after staying with Mozun for so long, and looking at other people, no matter how good they are, they feel average.

He was not fooled by the man's good figure.

The big tree blocked the man's face, Hao Xingyue only saw his figure.

Going closer, I saw the man with a mask on his face.

This mask——is unusually familiar.

Hao Xingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, walked up, and kicked the fainted 'corpse' on the ground a few times, "Well, you Jiu, you dare to follow my aunt, do you believe that my aunt took your skin off?"

She never expected that the person following her was Ah Jiu.

It's strange to say that this man, since he was killed by that black fire, he has been lazy and never left, and he hasn't left until now.

Hao Xingyue didn't have much contact with her before, so Hao Xingyue didn't pay much attention to this person.

I didn't think about why he didn't go back to the orc kingdom.

She didn't think about these things until now when she found out that the person who had been following her for days was Ah Jiu.

Hao Xingyue kicked a few times to vent the resentment in her heart.

Squatting down, wondering whether to feed him the antidote, when he woke him up, he accidentally saw a black mole behind the man's ear.

The place of this mole is all too familiar.

This man—

Hao Xingyue had a delicate expression on his face. He reached out to the man's face and touched the mask on his face.

With a faint sound, Hao Xingyue took off the mask on the man's face, and she could see the man's face clearly.

Her complexion changed drastically, and she rubbed her eyes vigorously to make sure she wasn't blind.

This guy who has been lurking beside them is actually Jun Jiuxin, that bastard old hooligan.


She should have thought of it a long time ago, Jun Jiuxin and Ah Jiu deliberately wore a mask, and they were very similar in body shape, especially with a pair of green eyes like Langming.

She hadn't noticed such an obvious feature before.

Simply blind.

That's why this guy has been lurking by their side for so long.

Hao Xingyue thought about it carefully, and recalled many clues. Many times, Ah Jiu had exposed her identity, but her attention was never on him, so she never connected that person with the person in front of her.

Let me ask, who would have believed that Dangdang, the king of beastmen in the kingdom of beastmen, would disguise himself as an inconspicuous guy and lurk by her side for such a long time?
He even used this time to establish a good relationship with Lang Ming.

Compared to the previous Jun Jiuxin who wanted to bite Langming when he met him, the current Ah Jiu, even if he hugged Langming, the little guy would not resist too much.

It seems that he has always accepted Ah Jiu's existence.

It can be seen how terrifying this guy's mind is.

He must have wanted to secretly hide by their side, and then gain Lang Ming's approval and affection, and then take Lang Ming away from them when Lang Ming couldn't leave him.

His heart can be punished.

Hao Xingyue thought angrily, and couldn't help raising her hand to slap Jun Jiuxin's handsome face several times.

After hitting him a few times, I saw the obvious slap marks on his face.

I thought about it.

Anyway, he is powerless to resist now, why not hit him a few more times? ?
(End of this chapter)

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