First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1173 Don't Be Like A Drunkard

Chapter 1173 Don't Be Like A Drunkard

However, out of worry, Jing Ge quietly followed behind.

I thought he was going to do something, but he followed him all the way to the kitchen.

Bai Yeling walked into the kitchen, took out the flour, and started rolling the dough.

The movements were not rushed or slow, and it was quite like that.

Jing Ge was quite surprised.

Although she knew that he could make a lot of things, and some things were learned especially for her, this was the first time she had seen Bai Yeling make noodles for her.

Jing Ge's heart softened completely.

He moved a small stool, sat down beside him, and stared intently at his dexterous hands, rolling around with a rolling pin.

Then he grabbed the dough again and started pulling the noodles.

The thin and long noodles were pulled out, and the water on the stove over there was also boiling, gurgling boiling water.

Bai Yeling threw down the stretched thin and long white noodles, and stirred them with extra long chopsticks.

Then I went to the wooden shelf next to it, took out a lettuce, washed the leaves, put it on the delicate dish next to it, and kept it for later use.

Jing Ge watched intently from the side, and saw that he had cracked two eggs, but was careful not to break them.

After a while, Bai Yeling squatted down and added firewood to the kang.

After waiting for a while, gently stir the noodles in the pot again, being careful not to break the eggs.

Finally, various ingredients were added, green vegetables were added, and a little green onion was thrown in, and after a while, it was served.

A rich aroma filled the kitchen.

Jing Ge was not willing to look away from the beginning to the end.

Bai Yeling, who is serious about cooking, is glowing all over her body, making her unable to take her eyes off her eyes. She feels warm in her heart, with a scorching hot love flowing slowly from her heart, through her limbs and bones. Since she feels like she wants to belong with him.

Serious men are full of charm, and men who cook seriously are no exception.

Jing Ge sat and waited.

After a while.

Bai Yeling came over with a bowl of ready-made egg noodles in clear soup, gently placed it in front of her, and handed over a pair of clean chopsticks.

He looked at her face and said, "Eat."

Jing Ge felt warm in his heart, took the chopsticks, looked at it for a while, found that there was only one bowl, and asked, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Bai Yeling shook his head, "I only made one for you, you can eat."

Jing Ge thought that he was worried that he would not have enough to eat, so he refused to eat, so he pushed the bowl to the middle, pretending to want him to eat.

Bai Yeling shied away, pushed the bowl back to her again, and said in a tone that could not be refused, "Eat quickly, I will eat after you finish eating."

"What do you eat after I finish eating?"

"eat you."

Jing Ge: "..." Damn!

Say you can't drive drunk?This car is about to drive up the famous autumn mountain.

Jing Ge was really hungry, smelling the delicious smell, he couldn't help but be greedy, so he was not too polite with him.

Pick up the chopsticks and start eating.

The noodle soup was very hot, and she was sweating all over after eating it, even the tip of her nose was covered with fine sweat.

Bai Yeling sat opposite, staring straight at her face, as if looking at some peerless treasure, he couldn't bear to blink for a moment.

Jing Ge felt goosebumps all over his body when he saw it, and tried to ask: "Are you really not going to eat it? If you don't eat it, I'll finish it."

Bai Yeling smiled, "You eat, you are full, I can only start when you are full."

Jing Ge: "..." Forget it, don't be as knowledgeable as a drunk!
Jing Ge quickly finished a large bowl of noodles, not even skipping the noodle soup.

After eating, I touched my stomach.

He burped comfortably.

Putting down the chopsticks, he was about to stand up.

Bai Yeling stretched out his hand, and the warm fingertips touched the corner of her lips——

(End of this chapter)

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