First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1174 How Can You Let Go Easily

Chapter 1174 How Can You Let Go Easily
"What are you muttering about? Are you doing nothing?" Gong Xu cursed.

Those few people scattered like birds and beasts immediately, and one of them approached him tremblingly.

Gong Xu said in a rough voice, "What do you want to do?"

"I, I want to get my tools back." The servant said, pointing at the scissors in his hand with trembling fingers.

Gong Xu snorted heavily, then handed him the scissors.

The servant took back the tool, turned around and ran quickly, fearing that if he ran a step slower, he would be angered by the moody master.

After Gong Xu scolded the man away, the yard fell completely silent.

But it was a little too quiet.

Gong Xu looked at the door from time to time. As time passed step by step, the figure he was expecting hadn't appeared yet. The longer he waited, the greater the sense of loss in his heart.

When he was so big that he was about to go crazy, the crescent white clothes finally broke into his eyelids.

Gong Xu raised his head excitedly and looked at the face of the person who came, he was the person he dreamed of.

He was so excited that he almost cried.

The breeze blew by, and the corners of his eyes were red.

Striding over, suppressing the urge to hug him tightly, Gong Xu said with a smile: "You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Meng Feifei summoned up all his courage to come over, but all his courage disappeared when he saw Gong Xu.

The words I want to say turn around on my lips, but I just can't say them.

Seeing his silent appearance, Gong Xu's heart sank little by little.

Still can't?
Is it okay to just accept his pursuit?
The redness in the corners of Gong Xu's eyes was spreading, and his crimson eyes were glistening with water, as if he would cry in the next moment.

Just looking at it makes people feel uncomfortable.

He suddenly laughed, a wry smile full of sadness, he felt that tears were about to fall, he quickly raised his head, blinked his eyes a few times, and forced himself to say, "It's okay, it's really okay, I know you must be very tired these days After careful consideration, if you still think it is not possible, I, I..."

He wanted to say, well, I can let go and let you be free.

But such words, like a stick in the throat, just can't say it.

He can't deceive himself, saying that he doesn't care, that he doesn't care, that he can let go, that he can hide in a dark corner, and secretly watch you happy.

No, you can't.

At the moment when he realized that he was going to lose, he found that he couldn't do it, couldn't be so impartial.

Can't let go.

How can you let go so easily?

Finally met love, such a wonderful feeling.

It makes people happy, makes people sad, makes people sour, and makes people astringent.

"Heh." Gong Xu smiled uglier than crying, "I'm ready, you can tell me the answer."

Meng Feifei watched tears fall from his eyes, his red eyes made people feel distressed.

Is he afraid?

Meng Feifei saw Gong Xu's slightly trembling hands——

What is he afraid of?Are you afraid of your own rejection?
Does he really like himself so much?

Meng Feifei's heart was greatly shocked, is this love?
But is he really that good?Good enough to make him love so deeply?

What will happen to him if he rejects this person?Will it fail?


Just waiting for the answer, he has often trembled to the point of trembling. If he refuses, will he be crazy?
Looking at Gong Xu's red eyes, Meng Feifei hit the softest part of his heart.

This person is so stupid.

How can there be such a stupid person in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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