First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1177 He Wants to Leave 1

Chapter 1177 He Wants to Leave 1
"Ha Qiu." Jing Ge sneezed.

Bai Yeling put his arms around her shoulders, raised the quilt, covered her tightly, and asked with concern: "Is it cold?"

Jing Ge lay on his chest, rubbed her chin, her body was overworked and not very comfortable, she hummed, "It's not cold, it just feels like something big is about to happen."

Bai Yeling looked down at her, held her soft little hand, and asked, "What's the big deal?"

"Well, I don't know, it's a woman's sixth sense." Jing Ge was really tired, and within a few words, he yawned and soon fell asleep.

Bai Yeling smiled when he heard her steady breathing.

A look of contentment.

The two slept together.

In the morning, Jing Ge woke up, raised his head to meet Bai Yeling Cheng Liang's eyes, turned to lie down and asked him, "How long have you been awake?"

Could it be that this guy has been lying with her since he woke up?
Bai Yeling lowered his head, found her lips, kissed her, and said, "Well, I just woke up."

After a while, the two separated.

Jing Ge turned over and got up, trying to get off of him.

In front of Bai Yeling, he changed his clothes and put on his shoes.

Bai Yeling on the bed stared intently at her beautiful back, feeling that it came very quickly.

He rubbed his hands a few times, looked at her back covered with red marks, and smiled happily and sweetly, "Did I drink too much last night?" He didn't remember much about last night, but his body felt very comfortable .

Looking at the red marks all over Jing Ge's body, he knew that he must have had enough last night.

It's just that I feel a little regretful in my heart, because after being drunk, I didn't remember what happened last night.

It's a pity that I can't reflect on it from time to time.

If Jing Ge knew Bai Yeling's thoughts at this moment, he would definitely call him perverted.

Jing Ge put on her clothes, came back to her senses, and glanced at Bai Yeling who was still lying on the bed, "Aren't you up yet?"

"You go out first, I'll be back in a while." Bai Yeling said.

It's not that he doesn't want to get up, but it's really inconvenient to get up now.

After watching her changing clothes the whole time, let him take it easy no matter what.

Only after recovering from this breath can he get up, otherwise, if he lifts the quilt up now, he will be scolded by Geer as a perverted rascal again.

Jing Ge looked at him suspiciously for a while, then turned his gaze to the position between his legs, as if he saw something——

Her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately thought of what it was.

Immediately blushing, he turned around and left quickly.

This bastard old rascal!
Jing Ge scolded people as she walked.

As soon as he left the gate of the small courtyard, he ran into A Mie who was walking towards him.

Ah Mie saw the marks on her neck, and his eyes darkened.

"A Mie." Seeing him, Jing Ge immediately walked over to say hello, but she didn't notice Ah Mie's abnormality.

"Ge'er, there is something I want to tell you." Ah Mie hesitated for a moment, then said.

"Oh, tell me then." Jing Ge looked at Ah Mie with a smile on his face.

You Ji Mie looked at her, remained silent for a while, but didn't say what he wanted to say, Jing Ge didn't rush, just quietly waiting for him to speak.

After a while, You Ji Mie finally said, "Let's talk in another place."

"Okay, you lead the way." Jing Ge said, followed You Ji Mie, and walked out all the way.

"Ge'er, I..." The words I wanted to say came to my lips several times, but they were finally swallowed.

"What's wrong?" Jing Ge felt faintly uneasy.

Could it be that the sixth sense from last night is about to come true?
"I want to leave here." You Ji Mie finally spoke out what he wanted to say.

(End of this chapter)

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