First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1178 He Wants to Leave 2

Chapter 1178 He Wants to Leave 2
"You want to leave?" There was a moment of panic on Jing Ge's face, she walked over, grabbed You Ji Mier's sleeve, and said, "Why? Do you have something to do, do you want to leave for a while?"

"No, I want to leave, not temporarily." You Ji Mie said.

When he said this, he hardly dared to look Jing Ge in the eyes.

Those sad eyes, as long as they met, he would soften his heart, unable to stick to his decision.

Leaving here, leaving her side, was the conclusion he came to after thinking for a long time.

For him, leaving is the best choice.

If it wasn't for the reluctance, he should have left long ago.

But during this period of getting along, he found that he should still leave.

There was no shortage of his protection by Ge'er's side.

But now he can no longer stay by her side as purely as before. His mind is not pure now, and he can't stay by her side as a good friend or a good brother.

This hot feeling will hurt Ge er sooner or later.

It would be better for him to withdraw and leave early before the injury took shape, and go to a place without Ge'er to heal his injuries alone.

"But, aren't we living well now? Why did we suddenly leave?" Jing Ge was flustered and at a loss.

She has always regarded You Ji Mie as her elder brother, she never thought that one day, You Ji Mie would leave her side.

She thought they could live forever.

It wasn't until You Ji Mie suddenly proposed to leave that she suddenly woke up. With more and more people around her, she seemed to be getting more and more cold towards Ah Mie.

Sometimes days go by without a single conversation.

But this can’t be her fault, she is most familiar with the stupid A Mie back then, not the cold and silent You Ji Mie after recovering her memory.

"Is it because of me? Is it because of me that you want to leave?" When Jing Ge looked up, his eyes were already red.

"No." You Ji Mie flatly denied.

He knew that once he nodded and said yes, Ge'er would definitely live with guilt in the future.

If Ge'er was allowed to return to his mind, it would be very difficult for Ge'er.

He didn't want to make things difficult for Ge'er.

This kind of distorted relationship will not be blessed, and it is destined not to be realized, just let him taste it alone.

"Then why did you leave? If I didn't do something wrong, why did you leave?" Jing Ge's voice was full of tears.

You Ji Mie is a special existence to her, no one can replace him in her heart, to her, he has become her relative like an elder brother.

She can't accept her relatives, she wants to stay away from herself, go to a place she doesn't know, and she may not be able to meet her for the rest of her life.

Just thinking about it made her sick.

Tears rolled in the eyes.

She knew that she was despicable, but she just wanted to use her tears and weakness to keep the quietness away.

She doesn't care even if she has to expose her fragility that she has never shown before.

"Ge'er, don't do this. If you cry, I will feel bad. I didn't leave because of you, but because I got news from my father You Jiuhai. I want to find him. I want to ask clearly why he was in the first place. To leave our mother and son.

Why do we have to stay in Shuangyang City to suffer? Before my mother died, she told me that I must find my father. "

(End of this chapter)

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