First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1179 He Wants to Leave 3

Chapter 1179 He Wants to Leave 3
"So, I have to leave, Geer, I'm sorry." You Ji Mie made up a perfect excuse.

In fact, he didn't know where You Jiuhai was or if he was still alive. He just wanted to find a perfect excuse. Even if he left, he wouldn't embarrass Geer, let alone an excuse that wouldn't make her feel guilty, that's all.

You Ji Mie walked over, held Jing Ge's shoulders, hesitated for a long time, but resisted the urge to hold her in his arms.

He was afraid that once he hugged him tightly, he would never be able to let go.

At this moment, he realized that his feelings for Ge'er were far deeper than he wanted.

So deep that he doesn't know if he can forget this relationship in the future, or let it go and find another relationship.

He didn't know, all he knew was that his heart ached like someone was digging with a knife.

Such hot feelings, sooner or later, something will happen.

He had to leave before he did harm to Ge er.

This is the best way to protect Ge'er.

Ge'er is getting stronger and stronger now, and there are many people around her who protect her, and with the Demon Realm Supreme by his side, he can safely hand Ge'er over to that man.

As long as he promises not to hurt Ge'er, it's fine.

Even if it was only a potential hazard, he would kill it in the cradle in advance.

"Are you really leaving at the waist?" Jing Ge stared at You Ji Mie stubbornly with red eyes, and just stared at it for a long time.

When she was convinced that A Mie was serious and didn't plan to turn back, her face was full of frustration.

I couldn't even control my tears.

"I'm sorry." There was a lot I wanted to say in my heart.

But in the end, all the words converged into one sorry.

Sorry for falling in love with you.

Sorry to leave you halfway.

However, I cannot allow myself to hurt you.

This relationship is too dangerous. If you continue to stay by your side, it will hurt you sooner or later.

I have to nip all the harm in the cradle before the harm appears, and I can bear all the pain by myself.

You Ji Mie gave Jing Ge a final deep look, turned around and strode away without looking back.

Jingge was left alone in the same place, weeping into tears.

I don't know how long has passed.

Jing Ge's vision was blurred by tears, and he couldn't see the man's back at all.

There were more hands behind her, and she put a piece of clothing on her shoulders, and then put her arms around her shoulders, holding her in her arms.

"Don't be afraid, you still have me, no matter if the mountains fall and the ground cracks, or the sea dries up, I will never leave you. Even if I die, I will die behind you."

Jing Ge didn't know how long she had been crying, her eyes had already turned red into peach pits.

It was red and swollen and my nose was blocked.

The speaking voice has completely changed.

"It's my fault that Ah Mie left. If I can be better, I can keep him."

Jing Ge lay on Bai Yeling's chest, crying wantonly.

Bai Yeling put his arms around the back of her head, gently stroking her hair, one stroke after another, with gentle and delicate movements.

He just hugged her quietly like that, let her cry, vented his emotions, and put tears and snot on his clothes.

He didn't even frown.

It wasn't until Jing Ge was tired from crying and her stomach was growling with hunger that she forcefully picked her up and let her go to the hall.

At this time, the rest of the people had already eaten and dispersed.

Bai Yeling put Ge'er down and asked his servants to prepare a new meal.

Then he moistened the hot water with a towel, unscrewed it, carefully wiped her face, wiped it clean, and asked someone to bring two hard-boiled eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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