First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1180 He Picked the Fishbone

Chapter 1180 He Picked the Fishbone

The boiled egg is hugged in a piece of soft cloth and carefully rolled along the eye sockets to eliminate the redness and swelling around the eyes.

"I cry so sadly that my eyes are swollen." Bai Yeling bent over and stood in front of her, looking into her eyes, his eyes were full of distress.

That guy dared to make Ge'er so sad and cry so hard before he left.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other person had already left, he would have to give him a serious lesson.

"Am I not going to see Ami anymore?" Jing Ge held his wrist, showing a weak posture.

Bai Yeling looked at her who had rarely become so soft, and felt so soft in his heart, he held her hand instead, with a jealous tone in his voice: "You like him that much?"

"He is my brother, of course I like it." During the time of her revenge, it was Ah Mie who was always by her side.

Of course, this emotion is precious.

"You can also treat me as your elder brother." Bai Yeling suddenly thought of something inappropriate for children, smiled unfathomably, leaned into her ear, and whispered, "Next time, when you are in bed, you You can try calling me brother."

"You, rascal!" Jing Ge was so angry that he forgot that she was still crying.

"Should I call you brother?" Bai Yeling didn't listen to the movements of his hands, the hot eggs rolled on the red and swollen eyes, making the surroundings of the eyes much more comfortable.

Jing Ge pouted hard and said, "No barking."

If his elder brother had survived when he was exterminated, he would be about the same age as Bai Yeling and A Mie now.

Seeing her suddenly depressed again, Bai Yeling stood beside her very considerately and didn't bother her.

It wasn't until the servants brought the food that Bai Yeling stopped what he was doing.

Looking at Jing Ge's face, she looked carefully at her eyes and said, "Fortunately, the swelling is not very severe. Before going to bed tonight, I will apply some ice compresses for you. It should be fine when I wake up tomorrow."

Jing Ge looked at the table full of food, turned her face away, "I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat."

"Your stomach keeps growling. You say you're not hungry? But it's not convincing at all."

As Bai Yeling said, he took the initiative to serve her a bowl of porridge, pushed it in front of her, and said, "Eat as much as you want, I'm so hungry, it's not me who feels bad."

Jing Ge still shook her head, "I can't eat it."

"If you can't eat, you have to eat. People are like iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat, how can you survive? If you don't eat, then I can only feed you." Bai Yeling looked eager to try, holding A bowl of porridge contained a lot of delicious dishes, and she pushed a stool to sit next to him.

He scooped up a mouthful of porridge, blew it cool, brought it to her mouth, and coaxed like a child; "Come on, be good, and open your mouth."

Jing Ge frowned.

"Are you coaxing a three-year-old?"

"Aren't you just a child?" Bai Yeling smiled, his smile was gentle and charming.

Jing Ge pushed his bowl away, "I'm not a three-year-old child, I eat by myself."

Bai Yeling smiled, then pretended to be regretful, and said, "What a pity, I still want to feed you myself."

Jing Ge quickly snatched back the bowls and chopsticks, sat on the edge of the table, and began to eat in small bites. If he didn't eat any more, he didn't know what inappropriate words this guy was going to say again.


The face is gone.

Bai Yeling watched her eat, and felt hungry himself, so he filled a bowl of porridge, sat next to her, and started eating together.

Give her food from time to time.

Jing Ge lowered her head to drink the porridge, there was never a shortage of dishes in the bowl, and all of them were her favorite dishes.

He picks out the fishbone for eating fish...

(End of this chapter)

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