First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1181 The object is actually a man 1

Chapter 1181 The object is actually a man 1
The quiet departure made Jing Ge depressed for a long time, and he looked listless every day.

Bai Yeling coaxed her from the sidelines, but it didn't make her feel better.

On this day, Meng Feifei, who hadn't been seen for several days, came to Baige Mansion.

Seeing her listless look, he found someone to ask the reason, and only then did he know that You Ji Mie had left.

As a bystander, Meng Feifei somewhat understood the feeling of You Ji Mie, and it was reasonable for him to choose to leave.

It's just that he didn't expect that You Ji Mie's departure would bring such a big blow to the master.

While this made him unable to bear the taste, he also wondered, if he left, would the master be as sad as he is now, or would he feel indifferent?
However, this thought only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

He shook his head.

In this life, he will never leave his master's side.

Even if the master becomes a wife and a mother, he still has to stay with the master and take care of her children for the master.

Meng Feifei sat down beside Jing Ge.

Jing Ge rested her cheeks and looked at the fish swimming in the fish pond, throwing a few small stones in from time to time, startling the fish to scurry around.

Sensing someone approaching, Jing Ge turned his head to look over, "Come on, I haven't seen you for a few days, are you busy with college affairs recently?"

Meng Feifei shook his head, he didn't know what he thought of, his face was a little red.

He was wondering if he should tell his master about him and Gong Xu.

In theory, he didn't want to deceive his master. If he hadn't decided to be with Gong Xu, he wouldn't let his master know anyway, which would only increase his worries.

But now, they are already together, since they are together, they should let the master know.

It's just that he didn't know how to speak, and he was also worried that the master would not understand or even object after he said it.

This is the result he is most worried about right now.

If the master objected, what should he do?
Agreeing to Gong Xu's pursuit was his answer after careful consideration. At the beginning, because he thought about this matter too much, he forgot to think about the problems he would face if they were together.

Meng Feifei couldn't bear to worry about something on his face, Jing Ge looked at him and knew that he wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

"Just say what you want to say. You can speak freely in front of the master. Being stretched so tight, it's too tiring to live like this." When Jing Ge was speaking, he patted his shoulder with his hand, which made Meng Fei Fly feels at ease.

"Master, what I'm about to say may shock you, but I don't want to lie to you, I want you to know."

Jing Ge looked at Meng Feifei with encouraging eyes, "Tell me, I'll listen."

Her curiosity was aroused, and she thought about Meng Feifei's words for a long time, but she couldn't think of an idea.

What could Feifei do to embarrass him so much?
Jing Ge, who has never associated Meng Feifei and Gong Xu, nor thought that her apprentice would be pursued by a man, has no idea what Meng Feifei is about to say.

"Master, I seem to have someone I like." Meng Feifei clenched his hands into fists and looked at Jing Ge nervously.

Jing Ge waited for a while, but didn't wait for the next sentence, smiled and said: "Is that so? I thought you were going to say something, it's a good thing to have a sweetheart, it's too late for Master to be happy for you."

"But he's a little bit different from the others."

"What's the difference? Is it possible to be three-headed and six-armed?"

"He... he's a man."

"Oh, he's a man... what? He's a man, a man?"

(End of this chapter)

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