First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1186 I'm going to see my mother's family

Chapter 1186 I'm going to see my mother's family
On the other side, Bai Yeling sneezed suddenly, and said, "Why do I feel that someone is speaking ill of me behind my back?"

"You think too much." Jing Ge just came back from the training ground, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "I seem to be preparing to advance again."

Hearing the words, Bai Yeling stretched out his finger, with a faint blue halo on his fingertips, touched Jing Ge's forehead, looked inside her dantian, and said, "Hurry up, it's okay, when you advance, I will Stay by your side."

Jing Ge said with a smile: "It's good to have you by my side. I feel that I have made faster progress than before in this year."

Bai Yeling stretched out his hand, pinched her nose, and said, "Do you feel that you are very lucky to meet such a considerate and powerful husband?"

"What husband? We are not married yet." Jing Ge stuck out his tongue.

"You are all mine now, besides marrying me, who else do you think about?" Bai Yeling narrowed his eyes dangerously.

The two showed their affection.

Jun Jiuxin happened to pass by, saw this scene, curled his lips in disgust, "Shameless bitch, hum!" Bully him a single wolf!

It's the day of the dinner appointment.

Gong Xu got up early, dressed up glamorously, and changed clothes one after another.

After making himself clean, handsome and reliable at first glance, he went out.

He stepped out of the door with his front foot, but retracted his back foot, opened the drawer, and took a sachet inside.

He has never been ashamed to carry such things, and he never thought that he would be useful one day.

In other words, from the moment he threw the sachet into the drawer, he never thought that he would reopen the sachet one day and take it out.

It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

In order to please his partner's 'maternal family', Gong Xu chose to bring the sachet.

Walking out swaggeringly, I met an elder on the way.

The elder watched him grow up. When he passed by, did he smell a fragrance? He quickly pulled him back and asked, "Xu'er, are you wearing a sachet? Could it be Do you have a sweetheart?"

Gong Xu: "..." This old guy's eyes are really poisonous.

He nodded: "Not only do I have a sweetheart, I've also chased him down, and now I'm going to see his natal family."

The elder looked at him in shock when he heard the words, "Is what you said true?"

"Naturally." Gong Xu was pleased.

"It's a good thing, it's a good thing, then go and go, remember to behave better, and try to make a good impression." The elder urged.

Gong Xu agreed with his mouth, but he didn't know what to do in his heart.

He still remembered that when Jing Ge and the others first came here, he felt sorry for each other. If they held grudges, today's meal might be a Hongmen banquet.

But no matter what, this meal is a must.

"What's wrong? His face suddenly looks so ugly?" the elder asked.

Gong Xu waved his hand, "I'm just too nervous."

"Haha, that's for sure. The more you care about someone, the more you worry about making mistakes. Go ahead and let the other party see your sincerity, and everything will go smoothly."

"I hope." After Gong Xu finished speaking, he said goodbye to the elder, walked over, and went straight to the small courtyard where Meng Feifei lived.

The elder turned around, saw the direction he was heading, stroked his beard suspiciously, and said in a low voice: "It's strange, didn't you say to see the target's natal family? Why did you go to Meng Feifei's residence? Could it be that Meng Feifei Together, give him advice?"

However, you must have found the wrong person, that kid Meng Feifei, he doesn't know anything about feelings at first glance.

(End of this chapter)

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