First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1187 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 1187 Lost the wife and lost the army

Gong Xu was overjoyed and went to the small courtyard where Meng Feifei lived.

When he arrived, Meng Feifei hadn't gotten up yet.

Gong Xu went in to find Meng Feifei.

When Meng Feifei sleeps, he usually doesn't lock it from the inside, and just pushes the door open. Meng Feifei's room is arranged so that the bed can be seen just after entering the door.

Gong Xu saw Meng Feifei sleeping soundly on the bed at a glance, and he didn't know what he did last night, and he still hasn't woken up at this point.

If it was the past, Feifei would have woken up earlier.

Gong Xu tidied up his attire, confirmed that he looked energetic and handsome, and then strode towards the bed.

He walked to the side of the bed and sat down, looking at Meng Feifei's sleeping face seriously and intently.

The mood is clamoring like thunder.

The eyes are obsessed with affection.

It's not long enough for him to look at this person's sleeping face from such a close distance, even if he looks at it for a lifetime.

Gong Xu didn't wake Meng Feifei up in a hurry, and reached out to touch Meng Feifei's face, touching it carefully.

Meng Feifei woke up leisurely almost when his fingers touched his lips, he opened his eyes, and suddenly saw that there was another person beside his bed, he was startled in a daze.

After being frightened, he quickly woke up, and when he saw clearly that the person sitting beside the bed was not someone else, but the dean Gong Xu before making a move, Meng Feifei's hands relaxed, and his tense nerves relaxed a lot.

"Are you up?" Meng Feifei sat up, his eyes were sleepy, and his hair was messed up.

He brushed his hair casually, looked at Gong Xu fixedly, and said, "What time is it? Am I getting up late?"

He had something on his mind last night. He thought about it for a long time, which led to insomnia. He barely fell asleep until dawn. When Gong Xu came, he hadn't slept for a long time. It was the time when he was sleeping the most, so someone entered The room, he didn't notice it either.

Gong Xu saw the bruises in his eyes, touched them distressedly, and said, "What did you do last night? When did you sleep? Didn't you get enough sleep? Do you want to sleep more?"

Meng Feifei shook his head and said: "I'm not going to sleep anymore, it's time for me to get up."

He said getting up from the bed.

When getting out of bed, he accidentally didn't notice that the quilt had wrapped his feet, and tripped himself in a hurry, throwing himself into Gong Xu's arms.

Gong Xu laughed softly, and said, "You are also a man, you should know that men in the morning can't be easily teased, right? If something happens later, what will you do?"

Gong Xu's voice was not loud, just enough for Meng Feifei to hear alone, and he said it close to his ear, the scorching breath that came out when he spoke was swept into the pinna.

The hot flow flowed to his limbs and bones as if he had grown spiritual, making his ears turn red instantly, and even his face was a little crimson.

When Gong Xu lowered his head, he could see his face clearly. Seeing his shy look, Gong Xu almost couldn't help himself.

Fortunately, Meng Feifei quickly pushed Gong Xu away.

Rubbing his feverish ears, he said, "Please go out and wait."

"I can wait for you here." Gong Xu didn't want to go out.

Meng Feifei got off the bed to put on his shoes, and seeing him still there, felt a little uncomfortable, after a bit of tangling, he kicked him out directly.

He drove the people out and closed the door. Gong Xu looked at the closed door in front of him and touched his nose.

It seems that Feifei is still too shy.

If you want to flirt in the future, you have to take it easy, or you might lose your wife and lose your army.

(End of this chapter)

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