First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1188 Just Right

Chapter 1188 Just Right
Gong Xu dangled around the door, putting his whole heart inside.

Waiting for the person on his apex to come out.

Meng Fei flew up, changed his clothes, and after washing, he opened the door and walked out. As soon as the door was pushed open, someone grabbed his hand.

Gong Xu held his hand without hesitation, pulled him out, and said, "It's getting late, let's go directly, and we'll buy some breakfast on the way later."

They made an appointment for lunch, there was plenty of time, and there was no need to go out so early, but this was the first date between him and Meng Feifei, so Gong Xu had a selfish intention.

Take Feifei out early, and you can go shopping alone on a date.

The former Gong Xu couldn't understand the enthusiasm of those lovers who like to go shopping, and even thought that it was something that only those who were full and had nothing to do would do it.

Until now, when he met his true destiny and the person he wanted to put on top of his heart, he felt that it would be great to let him walk with this person, let alone shopping.

"But our appointment is at noon. If we pass by now, it will be too early." Meng Feifei didn't know Gong Xucun's selfishness, so he looked at the time very honestly, and estimated the cost of going from here Time revealed the doubts in his heart.

Gong Xu didn't answer his question directly, took his hand, strode out, walked very hurriedly, and didn't give Meng Feifei a chance to refuse.

He walked all the way to the street before he let go of Meng Feifei's hand, walked to the newly opened breakfast shop nearby, bought a basket of steamed buns, and handed it to Meng Feifei.

"Eat something to fill your stomach first. The steamed buns here are the most authentic. I loved this restaurant when I was a child. I haven't gotten tired of eating it for more than ten years." Gong Xu seemed like he couldn't help but want to ask Like a child who shows what he likes to someone he likes.

Pull Meng Feifei, walk all the way, introduce all the way.

Introduce to Meng Feifei bit by bit of his past.

It seems that they want to use this kind of forced indoctrination to let the other party know more about themselves, so that Meng Feifei can accept him more.

Meng Feifei was also very interested in these things, and followed him all the way, quietly listening to him tell his past, the embarrassing things he encountered when he was a child, and said a few words from time to time, and occasionally he was amused to laugh out loud.

Meng Feifei usually doesn't talk much, and always gives people a cold feeling. In fact, the indifference and alienation he shows are not his nature. This person's nature is very natural and pure.

The reason why he gives people the illusion of indifference is simply that when he gets along with unfamiliar people, he doesn't talk much, and when he doesn't speak or smile, he looks a bit cold when he is stern.

That's why people think he is cold.

In fact, after you are familiar with it, you will find that he is not cold, but just slowly heating up.

It is slow to respond to many things.

But he is extremely focused and serious in his work.

Take the matter of him agreeing to try out his relationship with Gong Xu, even though he often feels flustered and uncomfortable, he still cares about Gong Xu's mood, tries to relax himself, and accepts him as much as possible.

This is his thoughtfulness, and few people can understand this side of him.

Gong Xu is now thankful for this, the less people know about him, the better for him.

Feifei was originally handsome, but he acted too coldly, which made many girls in the academy stop.

If these women knew Feifei's true temperament, he would definitely have many rivals in love.

(End of this chapter)

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