Chapter 1191 Impatient
She was reluctant to part with Master, and even impulsively wanted to invite Master to Fengyue Country, and she would definitely entertain Master well.

It's just that the words came to her lips impulsively, but in the end, rationality prevailed, making her swallow, without expressing the impulse in her heart.

Jing Ge suddenly knelt down in front of the master's door, kowtowed three times in a row, then got up, took the things the master gave, turned and left.

On the day of leaving, Meng Feifei came to see her off, waving with red eyes.

Jing Ge smiled and told him to take care of his health before boarding the spaceship bound for Fengyue Kingdom.

The matter of Tianlan City has come to an end.

After returning to Fengyue Kingdom, Jing Ge gave herself a long vacation.

He treated Mr. Lin in the mansion, coaxed his grandfather who was getting older and lived back to take medicine, and stayed with him for a while.

Then, under the repeated urging of his little uncle, he finally brought his younger brother Jing Di into the palace.

Lin Lansheng hosted a banquet in hospitality, and made a table full of delicacies from mountains and seas.

Eat up Jing Ge until his stomach rounds.

Uncle and nephew hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they naturally had a lot to talk about. They ate and chatted for two hours.

Just as the bowls and chopsticks were put down, an urgent report came from outside the door.

Lin Lansheng would not shy away from Jing Ge, and directly called people from outside to report what happened.

Jing Ge sat on the side, feeling sleepy after eating, a little listless, didn't pay attention to what was said there, and concentrated on teasing Jing Di next to her.

The siblings are playing around on one side, while Lin Lansheng is handling government affairs on the other side, the picture is unusually harmonious and warm.

After a while, Jing Ge overheard the man mentioning the Fenglin beast, saying that a man who could command a beast appeared in that place. He wore a mask and couldn't see his true face clearly. Many civilians entered by mistake. Lin Zi, all disappeared.

Due to the large number of missing people, the officials below did not dare to hide it, so they reported the matter to the court.

The more Lin Lansheng heard it, the more ugly his face became. He patted the armrest of the chair and said angrily, "When did this happen? Why did you report it now?"

The man kneeling on the ground was trembling, lowered his head in fright, his chin almost touched his chest, he said anxiously: "It happened three months ago, but the situation was not so serious at that time, the people below think they can solve it by themselves." I didn't say it out, I didn't expect that in just three months, this matter would become so big."

In the end, this case was not reported to this person, and he was just running errands for others, so if you take your anger out on him, it would be a little bit of anger.

Although Lin Lansheng raised a guy who didn't do anything in his anger, he still had reason and knew to distinguish between grievances and grievances.

Holding back his breath, he continued to ask, "Have you sent someone to investigate?"

"I sent three times, each time more than 100 people, but none of those people came back, they all disappeared." When the people below said ha, their voices were trembling.

It can be seen that he is afraid to the bone.

"Shut up." Lin Lansheng couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and directly overturned the table.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jing Ge hugged Jing Di and escaped safely.

Lin Lansheng was completely out of anger now, and didn't pay attention to Jing Ge's situation.

"This matter is not simple. You can't just send ordinary soldiers and arrange for Mr. Zhang to lead the search."

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang has supported the west, and he is still on his way back. There was a mudslide on the road, and he will not be able to return so fast for a while."

Lin Lansheng rubbed between his brows, impatience was written all over his face.

After becoming a king, he frowned more and more, and even got more wrinkles on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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