Chapter 1192 Nonsense
"Apart from Mr. Zhang, who else can we send out?" Lin Lansheng stared at the people below with sharp eyes.

The man was trembling with fright, he quickly shook his head and said, "This subordinate doesn't know."

This matter, no matter who proposes it, it will be fatal in all likelihood, and he would not dare to mention the names of the adults casually if he was given a water tank for courage, for fear of being 'remembered' afterwards.

How could Lin Lansheng fail to see this little thought, and hated it even more in his heart, hated that there was no one who could be used, and also hated that each of these people was greedy for life and afraid of death, they were really useless.

These people are all left over from the previous dynasty, and Dong Yi mobilized his whole body.

Lin Lansheng had long thought of replacing them all, but this matter required a process, and he had to hold back until he could move all of them.

From the moment Jing Ge stood up, she began to listen carefully to their conversation. Knowing what troubled her little uncle now, she volunteered to raise her hand and said, "Little uncle, why don't you let me go."

Lin Lansheng gave her a hard look when he heard that, and said, "Nonsense."

Jing Ge giggled, knowing that he was only worried about his own safety, and approached Lin Lansheng with a playful smile, shaking Lin Lansheng's arm, and said, "Little uncle, I know you are worried about me, but I am serious. Currently in the palace, no one more suitable than me."

"You're just messing around." Lin Lansheng's face was livid with anger.

But what Jing Ge is determined to do, is it so easy for others to persuade?
If you can’t be soft, come hard, if you can’t be hard, then continue to be soft until you agree with it.

Lin Lansheng loved her, so naturally he couldn't stand her acting like a baby.

After being defeated once or twice, I couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

After agreeing, he regretted it.

But you are not joking, even if he regrets it is useless.

Lin Lansheng suddenly felt a little depressed, he was being tricked by his little niece.

The kid's brain is frighteningly clever.

Sometimes, he felt that she didn't look like a teenage girl at all.

However, whenever this happened, he would comfort himself by saying that Ge'er was just precocious. After experiencing such a big change in his family in his early years, it was not entirely impossible to force himself to mature precociously.

Thinking of these tragic pasts, Lin Lansheng felt pity for her even more, wishing to give her the throne as well.

He always hated himself for not insisting on finding his sister. If he had been able to help Zhaodong's sister earlier, maybe the tragedy would not have happened.

Jing Ge didn't know what Lin Lansheng was thinking in his heart, but he was eager to try the matter of going to Fenglin, with a look of anticipation on his face.

Looking at her face, Jing Di could feel that her sister was in a good mood at the moment. She hugged Jing Ge's face with her small hands, giggling with excitement, and said, "Sister, I want to eat candied haws."

Jing Ge pretended to bite his finger.

Jing Di quickly retracted her fingers, her laughter was clear and melodious.

She put Jing Di down and patted Jing Di on the head, "This is my uncle's territory, if you want candied haws, go to my uncle for it."

I thought that Jing Di, who hadn't seen her little uncle for a long time, would be a little shy.

After hearing that you can eat candied haws if you find your little uncle, the little guy immediately pouted his buttocks and walked over, hugged Lin Lansheng's legs, raised his head, and stared straight at his big moist black eyes, pure and innocent. She looked at Lin Lansheng harmlessly.

"Uncle, I want to eat candied haws."

The milky voice made my heart go soft.

Coupled with his big innocent eyes, Lin Lansheng felt that the new eyes were about to melt.

(End of this chapter)

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