First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1196 Protect Your Brother

Chapter 1196 Protect Your Brother
"Then you have to be careful when you cry." Mr. Lin couldn't bear it, so he left this sentence, turned around and left.

Butler Lin followed behind, step by step, for fear that the old man was in a bad mood and couldn't think about it.

After arranging everything properly, Jing Ge set off with a group of people.

The target went straight to Feng Lin.

Fenglin is located in the northeast of Fengyue Country. It snows all year round and the temperature is very cold.

As soon as Jing Ge and the others entered, they felt their whole bodies were stiff, and the cold wind was pervasive. Even though they were wearing thick clothes, they still felt as if they were standing in the cold wind with nothing on.

The cold man shivered and his teeth kept chattering.

Jing Ge shrunk her neck, and was the only one beside Bai Yeling, turned her head and glanced at him, seeing that he seemed not afraid of the cold, couldn't help asking. "Don't you feel cold?"

Bai Yeling shook his head, taking advantage of the situation to hold her hand.

Jing Ge was shocked to find that his hands were surprisingly warm, so warm that it made people feel comfortable all over.

Because he was greedy for this warmth, Jing Ge didn't take out his hand, "Your hands are so warm." Jing Ge sighed happily.

Bai Yeling glanced at her, she was covered tightly, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

He said, "My other places are warmer, do you want to try?"

She was no longer the pure Ge'er in the past, and immediately understood the meaning hidden in his words, she gave him a shy look, and said depressedly: "There are so many people here, don't say anything weird."

Hearing this, Bai Yeling smiled softly, "Okay, I won't say anything, just don't say anything, don't pull your hands back, it's going to be cold again in a while."

Jing Ge wrapped her face with a scarf, no one saw that her face was flushed, even the tips of her ears were red.

"You just love to make fun of me."

"I didn't, don't slander me."

Jing Ge withdrew his hand, pushed him, then quickly walked away from him, ran back to the front of the crowd, and said to everyone: "Everyone must be tired after traveling for so long. Half of the people went out to look for food, one third looked for firewood, and the rest set up tents here. It’s getting late now. After a while, it’s probably going to be dark after a while. Let’s camp in place. Wait until tomorrow before continuing on your way.”

After Jing Ge finished speaking, everyone put down the bags they were carrying on their shoulders, and soon, under the arrangement of Li Chen and the others, they divided into teams and carried out the things Jing Ge ordered step by step.

Jing Ge sat down quickly, and just as she sat down, a fluffy thing jumped into her arms.

She looked down and saw Lang Ming.

Because the weather is too cold, Lang Ming basically maintains the form of a half-beast. What Jing Ge touched just now was his wolf ears.

The little guy snuggled into Jing Ge's arms and asked coquettishly, "Isn't my brother coming?"

"My brother is still too young, the weather here is not suitable for him." Jing Ge explained.

"I will eat a lot of food, grow up quickly, grow taller, and then protect my younger brother." Lang Ming said firmly.

Jing Ge didn't discourage the little guy's enthusiasm, rubbed his fluffy ears, and said, "Okay, then from today onwards, you have to eat an extra bowl of rice, okay?"

Langming pondered for a while, whether to eat an extra bowl of rice to protect his younger brother, or not to eat an extra bowl.

He thought of his younger brother's cute smiling face, nodded seriously and said, "Okay, I'll eat more."

"It's so good." Jing Ge pinched his ears, a little bit lovingly.

(End of this chapter)

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