First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1197 A Mysterious Man

Chapter 1197 A Mysterious Man
"I will definitely protect my younger brother." Lang Ming said, waving his little hand.

It snows heavily all year round in Fenglin, the ground is covered with thick snow, and the soil is almost invisible, so there are few green plants here, especially weeds, which hardly grow, and only a few plants are occasionally encountered.

Because it is too precious, every time Jing Ge sees it, he will remind the people behind him not to step on it to death.

Although the wildfires are endless and the spring breeze blows again, but here is a world of ice and snow all year round, and there is a ghostly spring breeze
The few grasses that have grown with great difficulty are still worth cherishing.

These rough guys needed someone to remind them at the beginning, but they didn't need to be reminded at all later on. They consciously avoided the grass. Some of them shrunk their necks because of the cold weather, didn't notice it, and accidentally stepped on it. , will also be severely squeezed by the people next to him.

After coming and going, everyone started to walk cautiously.

Jing Ge is very satisfied with this progress.

"Princess, we have been in Fenglin for so long, and we haven't seen the target person. Is it really as magical as they say? I feel that there is no difference between this place and the forest outside. The only difference is the The snow is cold to the bone.

Standing here, every minute there is an illusion of being frozen to death, the feeling that the bones are shaking. " Li Gui cut his hair very short, with a very handsome cropped head, and his black skin, unexpectedly looks good.

Although his facial features are not outstanding, they are pleasing to the eye when combined. Short hair and black skin make him look quite eye-catching.

Jing Ge tilted his head to look at Li Gui and said, "Do you know how big Feng Lin is?"

Li Gui shook his head.

Jing Ge took out a map and threw it to Li Gui.

Li Gui opened the map and turned it back and forth, left and right, but didn't understand what was drawn inside.

He has been a scumbag since he was a child. Anything that requires his brain to be used a little bit seems to kill him. If he is not allowed to use his brain, he can do anything, but when he uses his brain, he feels a headache.

"I don't understand." Li Gui smiled coyly.

Jing Ge drew a random circle on the map with his fingers, and said: "This area is Fenglin. We have walked for so long now, and we probably only walked from here to here. That is to say, we have only walked less than ten minutes. One-third of the way."

"It's so big, it's no wonder those who come in get lost."

"The people who came in lost their way not because Feng Lin was too big, but because of other reasons. At present, all the reasons point to our target person, a mysterious man."

"But we don't know where that man is at all, are we just looking for it aimlessly?" Li Gui asked puzzled.

"It's not aimless. According to the previous clues, this person is good at controlling beasts. He should be a beast master. Ordinary people can only own one contracted beast, and generally can only drive their own contracted beast. But if your contracted beast The beast is very powerful, so you can use the contracted beast to control the beast. Of course, there is another way, which is to learn the art of controlling the beast.

It's just that this kind of animal control technique has been lost for a long time, and there are not many people who understand it. It is said that as long as you learn this kind of animal control technique, you can command fierce beasts, divine beasts, and even ancient divine beasts to do things for you, and it is not limited to contracted beasts.

This is quite a temptation for many people, so we are not the only ones who came to Fenglin to find the mysterious man. We can also use the clues left by them to rule out some places. "

(End of this chapter)

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