First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1198 Don't You Dislike Me Shen

Chapter 1198 Don't You Dislike Me Shen
"Oh, so that's how it is." Li Gui nodded clearly. In fact, he still didn't understand how to eliminate the clues, but he felt that it didn't matter if he didn't understand, as long as the princess understood.

He listened to the princess in everything, as long as the princess didn't let him use his brain, he could do anything else.

Jing Ge saw through his thoughts at a glance, but didn't expose him, just smiled helplessly, then walked up to Bai Yeling, and handed Bai Yeling the water bottle she had drunk.

"Drink some water." She noticed that Bai Yeling hadn't had any water for almost a day.

Although his mouth didn't look dry, she still noticed it, so after drinking the water, she gave him the water bottle she had used.

Bai Yeling looked down, took it, raised his head and took a big gulp.

"What do you think about this matter?" He asked Jing Ge.

Jing Ge took out a bright red snake fruit from his pocket, rubbed it on the sleeve of his clothes, and was about to stuff it into his mouth and take a bite, but Bai Yeling snatched it, "The clothes are dirty, it's right to eat them." It's easy to have diarrhea."

After all, he poured some water and washed the red snake fruit before giving it back to her.

Jing Ge smiled, and didn't say anything about the fact that she even ate the trash from the trash can before.

However, it's not bad to feel that someone puts himself on the tip of his heart and pampers him.

She smiled and took the snake fruit back from his palm, took a bite, it was crunchy and sweet, sweeter than anything she had ever eaten before.

"I don't have any ideas, let's find that person first, or find the missing person, or even meet someone who has the same goal. In short, find the living things in this place where people are freezing to death." Jing Ge Said and yawned.

After several days of rushing, I didn't have much rest. My body's fatigue level reached a certain level, and I couldn't help but yawn.

Yawn after yawn, tears came out.

"Are you sleepy?" Bai Yeling wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his fingertips.

"Well, a little bit, I haven't slept much in the past few nights." Jing Ge yawned again as he spoke.

Bai Yeling saw that she was really sleepy, and it was still early, so it was impossible to stop because of her alone and delay the progress of the whole team. Even if he wanted to, Geer would not agree.

Bai Yeling understood her temper, knew that even if he suggested it would be useless, after thinking about it, he suddenly knelt down in front of Jing Ge.

"Come up." He made a gesture to carry her on his back.

"It's not good, the snow is very deep here, it's hard to walk alone, I'm pretty heavy." Jing Ge hesitated.

"You are really heavy." Bai Yeling smiled.

When it comes to weight issues, any woman would not be willing to be told that she is heavy, and Jing Ge is no exception. When she heard that he did not deny her words, but admitted that she was really heavy, Jing Ge instantly became angry.

Puffing out her cheeks, she gave him a hard look.

Bai Yeling took the opportunity to carry her on his back.

Hold it in your big hand to keep her from falling.

Jing Ge struggled, and said: "Let me down, don't you despise me, Shen? Normally, I didn't despise you, Shen, so heavy that I couldn't breathe, how dare you despise me, Shen?"

"Are you so overwhelmed that you can't breathe? No matter how I look at you, I enjoy it, and you even told me not to stop." Bai Yeling laughed.

"You, nonsense, I told you not to stop, stop, will you interrupt the sentence?" Jing Ge was so angry that he wanted to bite him.

In the end, he saw the teeth marks on his shoulders bitten by himself.

Very neat tooth marks, although the marks have faded a bit, they are still clearly visible.

(End of this chapter)

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