First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1199 Are you tired? Do you want me to carry you?

Chapter 1199 Are you tired? Do you want me to carry you?
This tooth mark was bitten by her a few days ago when the two were lingering.

Some pictures involuntarily recalled in my mind, and my cheeks began to heat up.

The ears are also hot, and you don't need to look to know that they must be red.

Jing Ge buried her face on Bai Yeling's shoulder, still sulking at the fact that he disliked her being heavy just now, reluctantly asked: "Am I really heavy?"

Bai Yeling hardly hesitated, "Of course it sank, because you are my whole world."

The face that was turned into a puffer fish a moment ago was instantly deflated, and the curvature of the corner of the mouth changed from downward to upward.

This guy has learned this kind of earthy love talk since when, and he still speaks it in a decent way.

Jing Ge nestled on Bai Yeling's back, smiled foolishly, and whispered with only two voices: "You have such good conditions, why do you like me?"

"Is my condition good?" Bai Yeling asked back.

Jing Ge nodded, and suddenly felt that he couldn't see her nodding, so she said: "Very good, status, power, money, looks and body, everything is needed, everything is very good, probably all women in the world want it." Marry you, you obviously have many choices."

"It turns out that I'm so good, I don't even know, so I can feel relieved."

"Don't worry about what?" Jing Ge was interrupted by his sudden words, and put his arms around his neck in a daze.

"In my heart, you are the best in the world, and it is only natural to like you. I only worry that I am not good enough for you, and that I will be rejected by you. Now that I know that I have so many advantages in your heart, I finally don't need you." Worried about being abandoned by you."

Bai Yeling spoke seriously.

Jing Ge's heart was as sweet as eating honey.

Feeling very shy again, blushing like a monkey's butt.

In order to avoid being seen by her subordinates and ruining her reputation of being wise and martial, she hurriedly buried her face on Bai Yeling's shoulder, only revealing a pair of big black eyes rolling around.

My heart is like being filled with honey, and my blood sugar is almost high after licking.

Wrapping her hands around Bai Yeling's neck, her small arms directly touched the skin of his neck, scorching hot. In such a cold weather, such a temperature was particularly obvious, and she couldn't help but care about it.

Jun Jiuxin walked behind, and when he looked up, he saw Bai Yeling carrying Jing Ge on his back.

He clicked his tongue and cursed in a low voice: "Shameless bitch." Then he couldn't help but secretly glanced at Hao Xingyue, feeling really envious in his heart.

Can he also apply what he has learned?
A certain half-orc stubbornly refused to admit that it was actually envious of the jealous half-orc, and looked around Hao Xingyue with covetous eyes.

Jun Jiuxin finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked Hao Xingyue, "Are your feet tired? Do you want me to..." Carry you.

Hao Xingyue didn't finish listening, so she looked up and saw him, and threw Lang Ming who was asleep in her arms to him, "Okay, I'll hold you."

Jun Jiuxin held his heavy son in his arms, feeling as if he had eaten a bitter gourd. He clearly wanted to carry a big one.

Hao Xingyue hugged Langming all the way, although she has good arm strength, she is also tired now, especially the snow is not easy to walk, one foot is deep and the other is shallow.

Occasionally, when I step on a soft place and even my calves get stuck in it, I need help from others to pull it out.

After giving Langming to Jun Jiuxin, I felt a lot lighter in my arms, felt a lot lighter, and walked a lot faster.

Hao Xinyue shook her arms, and followed Jun Jiuxin step by step, occasionally lifting the cloak around Lang Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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