Chapter 1209 Phantom 2
"Isn't it normal to like my brother? A normal woman should like my brother. After all, my brother is number one in the world, handsome and powerful. Although he looks a bit cold, he is the best person in the world."

Jing Ge: "..." I almost forgot that this guy is a terrible brother controlling younger brother.

"Yes, I'm here to marry your brother home." Jing Ge walked beside Bai Changle, urging him to hurry up.

Seeing the candied haws drooling, Bai Changle was suddenly urged, pursed his lips in displeasure, then snorted and quickened his pace.

"I just walked slowly because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to keep up, not because of my short legs." Bai Changle said.

"Yes, your legs are not short. Your legs are the longest in the universe. How could they be short?" Jing Ge said perfunctorily.

"What is the universe?" Bai Changle asked.

"The universe is the universe. Why do you have so many whys, you brat? Do you want to ask a hundred thousand whys?"

"No, I just asked one question. The master said that you can only learn knowledge if you are not ashamed to ask. You told me not to ask. It really delayed my growth. If you do this, my brother will dislike you. My brother will not want a wife like you. I wouldn't want a sister-in-law like you either."

Bai Changle pursed his lips and hummed, then walked a few steps faster, trying to keep a certain distance from Jing Ge.

"It's just you kid, how easy is it to learn?" Jing Ge thought of the grown-up Bai Changle, curled his lips in disgust.

I didn't expect this kid to be so different from when he was a child and when he grew up.

"You should be nice to me. If you want to be with my brother and get my brother's favor, you can't do without my help. My brother listens to me very much." Bai Changle snorted.

Bai Changle folded his arms, waiting for Jing Ge to reply him.

Jing Ge went up, plucked his hair, messed up his head, and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, don't be silly, lead the way quickly, if your brother dares to let me go, I can Break his third leg."

"What third leg? My elder brother only has two legs." Bai Changle didn't understand what Jing Ge meant by the third leg.

hum hum road.

"You are still young, when you grow up, you should know how important the third leg is." Jing Ge just smiled and did not explain.

It took almost half a stick of incense time.

Bai Changle finally stopped.

Pointing to the front, he said, "My brother is right in front, so be careful when you go in, and don't disturb my mother."

"Your mother?" Jing Ge thought of that gentle woman who had only met a few times in Anyang City.

Although she and Bai Yeling had established a relationship for a long time, but because they always had no time, they never went back to see her.

Jing Ge thought for a while, then walked forward unswervingly.

Finally came to the door.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The door creaked.

Open it from the inside.

A handsome but immature face appeared in front of Jing Ge's eyes.

Just what she was looking for.

"Bai Yeling, if you don't go out, how long do you plan to stay here? If you don't come out again, I will marry someone else."

She crossed her arms and looked at Bai Yeling who was not much taller than herself.

At this time, Bai Yeling was still very young, only in his teens.

Although the facial features are still handsome, they are a little more immature.

"Who are you?" The immature version of Bai Yeling looked at the woman in front of him inexplicably.

Does this woman know what she is talking about?
"Have we met before?"

She has never met her face, so why would she say such a thing?

(End of this chapter)

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