Chapter 1210 Phantom 3
Bai Yeling felt strange, and after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't find any evidence that he had seen her.

He thought that if he had seen such a beautiful woman, he would have had some impression of it anyway.

"You don't remember me?" Jing Ge promised to look at him with his arms.

Bai Yeling shook his head: "I don't think we've met each other, Miss, did you recognize the wrong person?"

In a rage, Jing Ge ran over, grabbed Bai Yeling's lapel, and roared angrily: "Fuck you... I haven't seen it before, this lady is your wife who has never married, I have given you my body, I don't know how much Come back, tell me now, you don't know me?"

She was really angry.

Even if he was really fascinated by the illusion, how could he not know her?

Is he so unimportant deep in his heart?

The more Jing Ge thought about it, the more unhappy she became.

Looking at Bai Yeling's eyes, he felt aggrieved, and the corners of his eyes were slightly red.

Bai Yeling watched her suddenly switch from the vicious dominatrix mode to the pitiful little Baihua, and seeing her tears in her eyes, Bai Yeling felt his heart tightening.

It was as if someone's hand had grabbed the heart fiercely, and it was difficult to breathe.

"Don't cry." He subconsciously reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Then who do you say I am?" Jing Ge refused to let go, and rushed to hug his waist, taking the opportunity to feel the tender Bai Yeling.

The moment Bai Yeling was hugged by her, his whole body was stiff.

"You, you, I don't know who you are, miss, men and women are different, you, you better stop hugging me, quickly, let me go." Bai Yeling was so nervous that he even stuttered.

Jing Ge not only did not let go, but even hugged her even tighter, pressing the roundness of her chest against his still thin chest, "You big liar, you got my man, and you want to abandon me? You Are you trying to give up on me now?"

Bai Yeling had never heard such words, and no one would dare to say such words to him.

But he didn't find it annoying when he heard such a novel word from this strange woman suddenly.

In the past, as long as those women got closer to him, he would avoid them in disgust, but now he hopes that this woman can get closer to him.

Is he out of his mind?

Or did this woman use some bad technique on him?Let him become the strange self he is now?

Bai Yeling couldn't understand it.

Jing Ge waited for a while, seeing that he still didn't intend to speak, she suddenly stood on tiptoe, bit his chin lightly, puffed her cheeks pretending to be angry, and said, "I'm serious, if you don't Get out, and I will break up with you and be with other wild men."

"No." Bai Yeling subconsciously said loudly.

This was completely subconsciously said, and even he himself couldn't figure out why he said such a thing.

It's just that the moment the words came out of his mouth, he was stunned.

Did they really know each other before?But why doesn't the memory in his mind have any memory of the woman in front of him?
What exactly is going on?

Jing Ge saw through his eyes that he was beginning to loosen.

Secretly happy in my heart, I continued to make persistent efforts in acting.

In order to make himself cry a little bit more, he even quietly pinched the tender flesh on his body.

"Wuwu, you must have lied to me, do you still remember me? Then what did you say my name is?" Jing Ge stared closely at Bai Yeling's eyes, looking like he was about to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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