First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1219 Looking for the Charm 4

Chapter 1219 Looking for the Charm 4
She paused, and then said: "But there must be a place leading to the ground here, let's look for it separately."

After she finished speaking, she immediately ran in another direction.

Bai Yeling also walked in another direction.

The nine-winged dragon exhaled hot air, and suddenly remembered that he had obeyed the orders of a female human, so angry that he took another breath of hot air.

After spraying, although he was unwilling, he still flew to the direction where neither of them went, and joined in the search for the entrance.

This human female has a very strange aura on her body, making it impossible for him to refuse her request.

The nine-winged dragon flicked its tail and began to search.

"found it."

After half a column of incense time.

Jing Ge found the entrance in a hidden place.

The location of the entrance is very secret. If she hadn't accidentally fallen and rolled down here just now, she wouldn't have been able to find the entrance here.

Jing Ge stood up and looked at the whiteness all around.

All around are her footprints trampled on in a mess.

I can't see it at all, that's the way she came here.

"Forget it, I'll go and see for myself first."

Jing Ge thought for a while, and drew a huge shoulder on the snow, pointing to the opening of the cave, and then took a step ahead and entered inside.

After entering the cave, it was dark and humid.

Jing Ge walked deep for a long time, but did not see anyone, but heard a sound similar to an underground river, the sound of dripping water.

There should be a dark river here.

After all, the toad likes to live in humid areas, even if it turns into a demon, it will be no exception.

It's just that it's too humid here. If humans live in this kind of place, it won't take long for them to get sick, and even serious infectious diseases may appear.

A bad thought faintly appeared in Jing Ge's heart.

Mosquitoes are easy to breed in damp places.

That toad spirit uses humans to raise mosquitoes. As for what... the methods are definitely not gentle.

Thinking of her compatriots being treated cruelly, Jing Ge felt resentful.

I can't wait to find that toad spirit and tear him into pieces.

It's also hard to understand that she only has hatred in her heart.

The further she went inside, the darker and damper it became, and her vision was obstructed, but she didn't dare to light a fire.

I don't know what's going on here, so it's not a wise choice to ignite the fire rashly.

Fortunately, after staying in the cave for a while, her eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and her vision became less blurry.

As he walked, Jing Ge felt a gust of wind blowing, and his arms were covered with goosebumps.

She rubbed her arms and walked on.

Finally, through a wall, I heard faint breathing.

There is also the moaning sound of human beings gathered together.

She seems to have found the place where the Charming Demon keeps humans in captivity.

Excited, Jing Ge stretched out her hand to touch the wall, to roughly feel the thickness of the wall.

She couldn't directly punch a hole in the wall because she didn't know the situation on the other side. If she acted rashly, it might hurt the person on the other side of the wall. This was not her original intention.

Jing Ge looked around, but found nothing wrong.

The Charming Monster is likely out chasing her pawns.

If she wants to open the wall, she must find the switch.

Jing Ge made a judgment in his heart, and then ignited a flame in his palm, illuminating the wall.

She must find the switch as soon as possible and rescue the group of people from the ground.

Only in this way can we fight the Charm Monster without any scruples.

Otherwise, when the time comes, she will have to estimate that the people in the underground will be restrained, and instead, the charm monster will gain the upper hand.

(End of this chapter)

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