Chapter 1220 Rescue 1
"Click." Jing Ge groped for a piece on the wall, accidentally bumped into a small protrusion, and pressed down hard.

With a faint sound, the stone wall in front of her was rumbled open.

Jing Ge magnified the flame in his palm and saw clearly the situation behind the stone wall.

The scene in front of him made Jing Ge's pupils shrink, and then anger rushed into his heart.

She sprinkled some mosquito repellent powder, and then walked forward quickly, checking the unconscious people on the ground one by one, and some of them had already died.

What's more, the ones that died earlier have already begun to rot.

The whole cave stinks extremely.

Those who managed to maintain their sobriety had long since lost their minds, and looked at Jing Ge with dull expressions, showing indifference to her appearance.

Or in other words, their current state can no longer be called human beings.

Their bodies were covered with dense mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes kept sucking their blood, causing them to be red and swollen all over.

Perhaps in order to allow them to feed more mosquitoes and breed more mosquitoes here, Mei Yao actually asked them to take off all their clothes.

Without a thread, it was riddled with mosquito bites.

Jing Ge walked all the way to the depths, spraying medicine while walking.

When we reached the depths of the cave, we barely found dozens of sane people.

She untied the straps on the dozen or so people.

And gave them the Renewing Soul Pill.

Then I asked one of the middle-aged men who seemed to be in better spirits, "When were you arrested?"

"Five days ago." The man seemed to be recalling something unbearable, his face was full of fear, and he shed tears as he spoke, "I thought I was going to die, these people were tortured so badly, everywhere It's the smell of rotting corpses, and the buzzing of mosquitoes."

"Don't be afraid, Mei Yao is not here now, you are safe for now." Jing Ge tried to calm him down.

The man took a deep breath, and his mood finally stabilized. He said: "At the beginning, ten of us came in. I heard that there are people here who can control beasts, so I wanted to come in with the mentality of giving it a try, but I didn't expect us to come in." I was very unlucky, I was discovered by that succubi within less than three days after I came in, and then the succubus even confuses us here, using our flesh and blood to feed the mosquitoes."

When the man said this, his whole body was trembling because of fear.

"Did she really increase her cultivation by eating mosquitoes?" Jing Ge felt that this matter was very strange from the very beginning. Monsters are transformed by non-human beings. Generally, animals and the like are transformed into monsters through cultivation.

Under normal circumstances, demons cultivate by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon and accumulating it for a long time, but there are also black-hearted demons who take shortcuts and specialize in eating people, devouring human cultivation for their own use.

But this toad spirit actually eats mosquitoes, which is a bit incomprehensible.

Seeing her puzzled look, the man sighed heavily, and then said: "You don't know, what she eats is not ordinary mosquitoes at all, she will let us take the medicine she gave every day, and wait for the medicine to melt in the mosquitoes." Our blood will attract mosquitoes to suck blood crazily, and then she will have a full meal."

"Drugs? Did you leave a sample?"

The man shook his head, "No, that person forced us to swallow it directly, without our hands at all, just opened his mouth and stuffed it in, so we can leave a sample."

"You take a break for a while, and then help carry out those who are still alive."

(End of this chapter)

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