Chapter 1221 Rescue 2
Seeing that time was running out, Jing Ge made them all take the medicine and gave them half a cup of tea to rest and recover.

When the physical strength recovered a little, they began to carry the people who were still alive.

The rest are all dead.

Some are out of breath during the handling process.

After weighing things up, Jing Ge asked them to gather all the dead people together.

After everyone left, Jing Ge set fire to the place and cremated them all.

After finishing these, Jing Ge came out from the cave.

Start saving people.

"You can still move, help find water, these people can't take medicine, they have to be fed with water."

The few people who were rescued before immediately recommended themselves enthusiastically.

"It's best for you to go together. If you find someone, come back immediately. Don't stay outside for too long, and don't go far. If you encounter danger, run away immediately, and don't fight."

Jing Ge was afraid that they would suffer losses if they met the Charming Demon, so he told them to leave after thousands of warnings.

The man who spoke earlier walked over, his face was red and swollen, and he couldn't see what he looked like before.

She said to Jing Ge: "Thank you very much, if you hadn't come to save us, we would all have died here."

"I was ordered by the King to take the life of the Charming Demon. The King knew that you were in danger, so he immediately asked me to rescue you." Jing Ge did not forget to raise the public's favor for his little uncle.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, the man immediately said with tears in his eyes.

"The king is a good man. I am greedy and end up in this situation. I am not a human, I am an animal."

As the man said, he slapped himself in the face a few times.

It was crackling.

Jing Ge watched from the side, allowing him to vent his emotions, without dissuading him.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, just slap a few times to let yourself have a long memory.

"I saved you this time, and I will cherish my own life in the future, don't take such risks again." Jing Ge said, handing him a prepared medicine, "Feed this medicine to him Lower it, then prop his head up until he can breathe better, then put it down."

"Yes." The man took the medicine bowl and raised the head of the unconscious man on the ground.

Jing Ge watched for a while, confirmed that the man was competent, got up immediately, and walked to the next patient.

She took out several bottles of ointment from the interspatial ring, threw them to the trembling people around, and said, "Please help to apply these ointments to their affected parts, and remember to wipe them clean with snow first." Body, rub it until it gets hot, and then rub it again."

As soon as she finished speaking, those people immediately rushed forward, picked up the things on the ground, and found someone nearby to apply the medicine.

The clothes on these people were gone, and they were frozen stiff in this icy world.

It's not an option to go on like this.

Jing Ge took out all the fabrics including clothes from her storage space, and threw them for them to wear.

But still too little.

not enough.

"Go and gather some dry firewood and come back, pick up some more, and burn the fire next to them in a while, and try to let them last until my companions come over."

She brought a lot of people, and the group of people had a change of clothes on them, and if they took them all out, they could probably share a share.

The most urgent task at the moment is to keep this group of people warm, and then deal with their injuries and illnesses.

The time left for her is very tight.

Jing Ge hardly stopped.

walk around.

(End of this chapter)

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