Chapter 1222 Rescue 3
They rescued dozens of people, each of whom was seriously ill.

During Jing Ge's treatment of Zao, several of them were seriously injured and passed away.

Jing Ge looked at those people who had no signs of life, and her face was tense with anger, but she still didn't stop her actions, because once she stopped, people would die one after another because they couldn't wait for her help.

She was so tired that she didn't even have time to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

Been busy.

"We found water." The small team looking for water came back with water.

Jing Ge walked over and tested the condition of the water with a silver needle. When the silver needle was taken out, it didn't turn black. She said, "You can drink it. Go and feed the medicine quickly. Buy time. Let's hurry up for a minute, and we can drink more water." Save someone."


Jing Ge's words boosted the morale of the group.

A group of people were busy, and more and more people were rescued.

At this moment, the wind speed around suddenly changed.

got weird.

The gloomy and blowing wind made people's cold goosebumps rise.

People on the ground began to lose their vital signs from the cold.

After receiving the report, Jing Ge bit her lower lip hard, suppressed her emotions, and said to the man, "Move the person who has lost the signs of life to one side, put them far away, and cremate them later."

These people are carrying viruses, even if they die, they cannot be buried in the ground, otherwise it will seriously affect the soil conditions here.

"It's so courageous, you actually dare to release my food without permission."

A black shadow passed by, and the Charm suddenly appeared.

Jing Ge looked up at her.

What is the illusion of this woman's face?Why does it look so much like those Internet celebrities who failed plastic surgery in modern times?

Jaws so sharp they could poke a hole in his own chest.

With such an ugly face, how did he use his appearance to seduce people?
Jing Ge glanced at Mei Yao, but she didn't see her companion's figure from behind her, nor did she see Bai Yeling appearing.

Why haven't you come yet? Could something have happened?

Jing Ge was anxious in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

She clapped her hands, stood up and said to Charming Monster: "I am ordered by the king to capture the monster that kills people. You deceived a large number of human beings privately and killed countless lives. Death is not a pity."

"Hahahaha, just relying on you, you want to deal with me? You can't control yourself."

Mei Yao suddenly waved her sleeves, and a gust of wind blew towards her, carrying a gust of cold air with it.

The people under Jing Ge's feet were not wearing any clothes, and their body temperature was already low enough. If they were hit by her cold wind again at this time, they probably wouldn't be able to survive.

Jing Ge's face darkened, and she came out alone, stood in front of everyone, stomped her feet, and stopped in front of them.

Pushing both hands in the shape of the gossip, an invisible transparent wall was quickly created, and it was hostile to the evil wind of the Charming Demon, and no one was willing to lose.

The two stalemate for a while.

Jing Ge used up a lot of energy just now to save people, but at this moment, the gap between him and the Charming Monster gradually became apparent.

Her gossip wall was always retreating, and was about to be shattered. A crescent-white shadow descended from the sky, and with a wave of her hand, she easily repelled the attack of the Charm.

Jing Ge was able to relax, and at the same time as letting go, fell into Bai Yeling's arms, "Pfft." He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Bai Yeling's face darkened when he saw the blood she spat out, and when he looked at Charming Monster again, the anger in his eyes almost materialized.

He hugged Jing Ge in his arms, looked at Mei Yao, and said coldly: "If you dare to hurt me, I will kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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