Chapter 1223 Rescue 4
"Who are you?" Charming Monster hid here, focused on cultivation, and attracted batch after batch of people with the beast control technique.

Her needs were met, so she rarely had contact with the outside world, so she didn't know Bai Yeling's true identity.

Another reason is that Bai Yeling is now wearing ordinary crescent white clothes, not the red clothes and mask of the demon statue.

So it was normal that Charming Demon didn't recognize him.

"Who am I, you are not qualified to know." Bai Yeling's voice was as cold as frost.

He carried Jing Ge to the side, a clean place, spread out a blanket, gently put Ge Er down, then touched her forehead, and said to her: "Wait here for me, I will Will be back soon."

After Bai Yeling finished speaking, he got up and prepared to leave.

The hem of the clothes was pulled a bit.

Bai Yeling lowered his head, and looked at Jing Ge.

Jing Ge's voice was weak, "Be careful, she has practiced sorcery."

Bai Yeling nodded, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Well, kill her and avenge me." Jing Ge smiled at him.

Bai Yeling felt that his heart was being hit hard, and he was beating wildly.

He really wanted to squat down and rub her head, but the timing was not right now, even if he was making out, he had to wait until this ignorant charmer was dealt with.

As a result, those dissatisfied people, with a surge of anger in their hearts, attacked the Charming Monster.

There is a flame in the heart of the fist, a blazing flame, and wind in the fist.

Charming Monster was beaten and fled in all directions.

I was amazed in my heart, who is this person?Why do you have such a strong skill?It's completely different from that woman just now.

Charming Monster and Bai Yeling fought with thousands of moves.

But no matter what tricks she uses, no matter how insidious the tricks are, they will be easily resolved by the opponent.

The Charm, who never knew she was so small and weak, felt fear for the first time, and was still unwilling.

Why did these people come to stop her?
Why is this person so powerful?

Who is he?
Too many questions popped up in Mei Yao's mind at once, too many questions made her have a splitting headache.

"Ah." She screamed.

Turned into a prototype, wanting to escape.

In a panic, he didn't choose a path, and happened to be fleeing in the direction of Jing Ge.

Jing Ge met her eyes.

The Charm secretly thought something was wrong.

Tishi wanted to rush over to defeat Jing Ge, but before it could make a move, Jing Ge's dagger had already flown over.

Straight into the body of the succubus, from the back, through the belly, and into the ground.

Charming Monster struggled a few times and turned back into a human form.

It's just that this appearance is completely different from the one just now.

Just now it was an internet celebrity face who failed plastic surgery, but now it is an ugly monster covered in pimples.

It makes people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

Jing Ge rubbed the goose bumps on his hands with aversion to cold.

"too disgusting."

Mei Yao glared at her angrily, then swallowed her last breath.

Eyes are still unwilling to open.

Jing Ge didn't even look at her, rested for a while, and after recovering a little strength, she immediately stood up again and ran back to continue saving people.

Bai Yeling walked over, stood in front of her, and immediately hugged her horizontally.Disapprovingly said: "You are injured, you should rest well."

"But there are still many people waiting for me to save them." Jing Ge looked embarrassed.

She couldn't make her give up so many lives.

"You really want to save them?" Bai Yeling touched her pale face in distress.

Jing Ge nodded and said firmly, "Yes."

"Okay, I'll hold you, don't walk."

Jing Ge: "...Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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