Chapter 1230 Hunting 3
Yanhuang thought about it seriously, it seems that there really is such a thing.

He smiled awkwardly and said, "When I say the wrong thing, but we're really bored, are you sure you won't find us something to do?"

"Let me think about it." Jing Ge was lost in thought.

The next day, when she went to the palace to report Feng Lin's situation to Lin Lansheng.

Lin Lansheng saw that she had been distracted, and only after careful questioning did she know what she was thinking.

He suggested: "Since you want to find something to do, why not join the hunting in the palace, there are still five days before the beasts start."


"Well, this time I went to the magic forest."

"Is that a place with a lot of beasts?"

"Well, this time it's not only our country, but people from Lan Ruo Country are also invited, and they will also send people over to discuss with us at that time."

"There are also a few surrounding countries together. It can also be said that it is a national quality inspection fellowship event. I saw that you just came back from Fenglin and wanted you to take a good rest for a few days. But since you are so eager to find something to do, why not?" Let's participate with my little uncle, but remember to change into men's clothes when you participate.

Nine out of ten people who will go there will be stinky men. Little uncle doesn't want those stinky men to cast their dirty eyes on you. "

"Yeah, okay, I see." Jing Ge agreed happily.

Hunting is a good choice.

After Jing Ge returned, she told Yanhuang and Qinglong the news, and the two beasts seemed very happy.

They all began to recall the scene when they were still living in the ancient times, talking about their several great beasts competing with each other to catch their prey.

Jing Ge listened to it with great interest.

Forgot to tell Bai Yeling about this for a while.

When she remembered and was about to tell Bai Yeling, something urgent happened to Bai Yeling.

Have to go away for a while.

Hearing this, Jing Ge waved him away and let him go without telling him about the hunting, so as to save him from being distracted and worrying about her affairs when he went to work.

This jealous king, if he knew that she was about to hunt with so many men, he would probably be jealous, and maybe he would try to stop her.

So after thinking about it, she still felt that it would be better not to tell Bai Yeling about this matter.

Bai Yeling didn't know what she was thinking, so he reluctantly kissed her on the lips, hugged her tightly for a few minutes, and then reluctantly left.

What he didn't know was that as soon as his front foot left, Jing Ge jumped up excitedly.

Then he quickly ran to tell Yanhuang and Qinglong the good news.

Although Yanhuang and Qinglong were ancient divine beasts, they were both a little afraid of Baiyeling, so when they learned that that person had left and would not go hunting with them, they jumped three feet high happily.

Cheered excitedly.

Finally came the day of hunting, Jing Ge changed into crescent white men's clothes early, and put on a simple makeup for herself to make her face look rougher and not too delicate.

Seeing her coming out after putting on makeup, Yanhuang's eyes widened in shock, her jaw almost dropped from fright.

If he hadn't been in the house and didn't go out, he couldn't believe that the rough guy in front of him was actually his contract owner.

Obviously his contract master looks so beautiful as a goblin.

But this rough guy in front of him really makes people feel a little overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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