Chapter 1231 Hunting 4
"Why did you make yourself so ugly?" Yanhuang held back, but still couldn't hold back, and started to complain.

"Is it ugly?" Jing Ge asked back.

She herself felt that it was actually okay, maybe because she knew it was fake, so she didn't care too much.

"It's really ugly, if you don't believe me, ask Qinglong."

Qinglong nodded earnestly beside him, "It's so ugly, I dare not look directly at it."

Jing Ge: "...Okay, then I'll change it up a bit and make it normal."

After she finished speaking, she walked back, faced the bronze mirror, and removed the spots on her face, making her face cleaner.

Although he still looks like a rough guy with obvious facial lines, he looks much more pleasing to the eye than before.

Jing Ge walked back again, shook his new look at Yanhuang and Qinglong, and asked, "Now? Is it much better?"

Yanhuang and Qinglong were afraid that she would get back the scary face just now if she couldn't think about it for a while, so they nodded quickly and said: "Yeah, it's really much better, just leave it like this, don't change it."

"That's right, let's get together quickly, don't make people wait." Qinglong also echoed beside him.

"Let's go then."

magic forest.

The reason why this place is called the Magic Forest is not only because there are countless fierce beasts, monsters, and a large number of terrifying monsters.

Usually, there are many people who come to this kind of place, so the magic forest is full of the taste of virgin forest.

If you are not careful, you will get lost in it.

That's why it's called Magic Forest.

It was on the way here that Jing Ge heard the explanation from his little uncle, and only then did he know the origin of the magic forest.

Yanhuang and Qinglong, because they were still too young, did not ride the horses alone, but sat in the carriage.

"So, when you arrive at the Magic Forest, you must stay by my side all the time, you know? You must never act alone. Since my little uncle brought you here, he must bring you back safely."

"Little uncle, don't worry, I'm not a three-year-old child, I will take care of myself." Jing Ge smiled helplessly.

Her little uncle really treats her like a child.

Even though she is almost an adult, in the eyes of my little uncle, she is still a child.

Jing Ge felt a little helpless, but she also knew that her little uncle was treating her well.

So he didn't refute anything, but obediently agreed.

Anyway, with so many people participating in the hunt, my uncle, as the king of a country, certainly doesn't have time to look at her all the time.

At that time, she can wander out by herself and wander around with Qinglong Yanhuang.

It's rare to come to the Magic Forest. If you don't have a good adventure, how can you deserve this trip.

Besides, beside her, there are two powerful ancient beasts, Yanhuang and Qinglong.

Even if there are monsters here, can they still eat her?
Thinking so, Jing Ge used the method of passing on her thoughts to tell Qinglong and Yanhuang who were in the carriage. The thoughts of Qinglong and Yanhuang coincided with hers.

The three of them immediately finalized their escape plan for a while.

But Lin Lansheng didn't know anything about it, and was still immersed in the relief that his little niece was really obedient.

Jing Ge grinned, a row of teeth looked very nice.

"The hunting will start in a while, and you will follow my little uncle. Hunt if you can. If you can't hunt, let go as much as possible. Don't run after the prey? You know? That's very dangerous, and it's the most likely to cause problems."

"Yeah, I see, don't worry." Jing Ge said.

Finally arrived at the destination.

The two got off the horse.

Lin Lansheng patted her head in relief, and said, "Be obedient."

(End of this chapter)

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